Friday, November 8, 2019

He Trusts Me

I have been wrestling through this one thought lately.
It has come up in my quiet time and I feel as though the Holy Spirit has been whispering it to my soul through my prayer time over the past several weeks.
It’s this idea I’ve never given much thought to before.

I had written it down on a sticky note in my office months ago, “May I steward His blessings well.”
And then just yesterday I ran into the other thought I had also written down on a sticky note in my journal, “He blesses because He trusts me.”

It wasn’t until I saw that second note that I connected the two together.
Because this is the way He often speaks to this weary heart of mine.

I heard a pastor speak recently on a subject that was very sensitive to himself and to the congregation he leads.  When asked to explain a very “well publicized” manifestation of the Spirit - something that had happened in their church, and was intended to be a very private “family moment” that had been unfortunately broadcasted irresponsibly by judgmental skeptics - he shed tears.  When pressed a little further as to why the emotion, he responded with this one line I will never soon forget.  He said this, “When God does something THAT open, it’s because He trusts you.”

And it got me thinking, considering all the blessings I have been lavished with.

The blessing of being a momma.
The blessing of a ridiculously amazing husband.
The blessing of a beautiful home
The blessing of an incredible ministry.
The blessing of amazing friendships.
The blessing of good health.
The blessing of endless provision and unlimited resources.

And it hit me… I have been given these blessings because He trusts me.
I have been assigned these people to love because He trusts me to love well.
I have been appointed this ministry to oversee because He trusts me to serve with integrity.
I have been allowed to experience His presence because He trusts me to represent Him with honor and dignity.

He trusts me.
And it’s the highest honor I could ever be called into.
He’s given me this life because He trusts that I will use it ALL for His glory.
And every part of me desires to be found faithful.
Every fiber of my being longs for more of Jesus.
And I realize that even though, “there’s so much more (He) longs to say” (John 16:12), He will only release that which I am willing to faithfully protect and fearlessly superintend. 

Because He trusts me this side of eternity, may I steward His blessings well!

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