Friday, January 17, 2020

But God Said...

One of the greatest stories in all of scripture is the story of the Israelites taking possession of the Promise Land.

I review it often.

Because I need encouragement.  I need to remember what God has done, recall it to memory so that my faith is strengthened, and repeat it to my weary soul in times of what feels like defeat and discouragement.

Under their new leader, Joshua, the wilderness survivors would soon be entering into new territory.  They would soon be taking possession of the land that was long-promised by a gracious and faithful Father.

Looking at the header in my bible for Joshua 6 it says this, “God’s Strategy for Taking Jericho.”

The Israelites were assigned one last conquest before accessing the promise.  Jericho was a city that guarded two important entrances into the heart of the hill country.  It has been said that if the Israelites did not conquer this first city victoriously, they would leave a well-armed enemy at their back that would have served as a derailment in their advancement into new terrain.  The order: they had to conquer Jericho first.

But take a look at verse 1 of chapter 6: “Now the gates of Jericho were tightly shut because the people were afraid of the Israelites.  Not one was allowed out or in.”

Just before this we read about a “commander in the Lord’s army” who tells Joshua to, “take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”  And Joshua does what he asks.  (5:14-15)  But now.. it would appear, at first, like maybe this wasn’t holy ground.  Perhaps Joshua had it wrong?

After all… wouldn’t it have been so much easier if the doors to the city were unlocked?  Wouldn’t it have served more purposeful if the Lord, who had, after all, called them here and promised them victory, had created an easier route for them to take?  He’s God.  He could have made the provision more effortless.

But we read something in verse 2 that might confuse us even more.  “But the Lord said to Joshua, ‘I have given you Jericho, it’s king, and it’s strong warriors.’”

Umm… what? 
Okay.  You’ve given them to me, maybe, but you see, God, the doors are locked up and there’s no getting in or getting out.  How is this possible?

And I wonder how many times He’s promised something to me, and yet there seems to be a canyon between what He promises and what looks possible. 

Oh how my feeble heart knows this dichotomy well.

And maybe it’s because God doesn’t see a problem the same way I do.
Remember the storm that the disciples were in?  Jesus was found sleeping in the boat.
Remember Gideon and the fear he had for the assignment God had given him?  The order was, “If you’re afraid, go down into the enemy’s camp.”

Could it be that what seems impossible is not so with the living, breathing, miracle-working Father?

And so I ask myself the hard questions in a season where doubt has once-again reared it’s ugly head.
Who told you what God has promised is inaccessible?  Who told you that your season of provision was finished?  Who told you victory over this challenging mission was impossible?

You and I have the privilege of an entire written Word filled with promises for provision by a God who never leaves us or forsakes us.  We just have to be willing and able to see a problem the way God sees a problem.  Using the promises as the lens for which all difficulties must be observed.

He is good.  He is faithful.  And if He has called you to it - know beyond a shadow of a doubt - that He will see it to completion.

Be patient as you wait to occupy your promise land.  God is a God of perfect timing and what He is merciful to promise, He is faithful to perform.

Who told you that?
Ahh… BUT GOD said….

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