Monday, January 20, 2020

I Believe... So I Speak.

In 2 Corinthians, chapter 4, Paul is sharing his felt privilege of possessing a ministry of sharing the Good News.  He talks about the seriousness in which he takes his calling to spread the Gospel message, the persecution he experienced as a result, the danger of death that had become a reality for the servant of Christ, and of the endurance he was determined to live with in light of all of this.

In verse 13 he says this, “But we continue to preach because we have the same kind of faith the Psalmist had when he said, ‘I believed in God, so I spoke.’”
He is quoting Psalm 116:10 here that says this, “I believed in You, so I said, ‘I am deeply troubled, Lord.’”

Check it out in The Passion Translation, “Even when it seems I’m surrounded by many liars and my own fears, and though I’m hurting in my suffering and trauma, I still stay faithful to God and speak words of faith.”

Ahh.. that which proceeds from the mouth is more powerful than we could ever imagine!

Paul says, “I believed… so I spoke.”

To speak means this = “to express or make known with the voice; to recommend; speak on behalf of; express openly and unreservedly.”

It is natural for the tongue to express what the soul knows and the heart feels.
When we, who belong to Jesus, speak out an expression of our relationship with Jesus, faith is stirred up and a new-found enthusiasm is uncovered.

But note here that Paul’s speech on behalf of belief was made more effective by the fact that he was doing so in the midst of suffering.  It could easily have been concluded by onlookers as “merely words”, but when backed by an awareness of the adversity that accompanied it, his witness became most impressive.

Paul’s sincere focus was on the advancement of the Gospel - regardless of the price it would cost.  His aim was on the full conversion of sin-filled communities, and he gave the entirety of his life to make Christ known.

He trusted in God, therefore there was a song in his mouth.  And he allowed himself no other option than to praise.  Fueled by faith and activated by the power of the resurrected Christ who lived on the inside of him, Paul knew his purpose and lived every breath so that the glory of God could be seen in Him.

“I believe… and so I speak.”

But my distinguished speech regarding my faith and my God has value and proves powerful ONLY so far as it can point to the practical results of it’s affect in me.

Do they see Him in me?  Is the change He has made in my life evident for all to see?  Lord, I don’t want empty words coming from mouth… I want speech that is backed by action.  I want the power of Your work in me to be so evident that when others look at me - You are all they see!


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