Tuesday, February 18, 2020

All Is An Invitation To Pursue

I would find myself repeating it to friends as of late.  The thing I’ve been whispering to my heart for a couple weeks now.

All is an invitation to pursue.

I would hear it in my words softly spoken to a friend going through a challenging season of defeat and disappointment.
I would see it there in the printed text to another friend who’s wrestling with self-doubt and discouragement.

And I would remind myself in this season of weariness…

All is an invitation.

It’s an invitation to pursue Him.

Because all is a mystery.

In fact I would write it on a sticky note and adhere it to the wall in front of my computer so I can see it daily: Embrace the mystery.

I cannot know what He is doing - but I can trust Him in the process.
I cannot know why I’m asked to endure some painful battles - but I can rest in His provision.

I can… embrace the mystery.

And consider that all is an invitation.
An invitation to encounter Him deeper.
An invitation to know Him better.
An invitation to experience a face-to-face relationship with Him.

All is an invitation.
To do better.
To behave better.
To represent Him better.

1 Corinthians 12 talks about spiritual gifts. 
The entire chapter is dedicated to addressing the different kinds of spiritual gifts.  Paul teaches on the gifts as they refer to the church and the unity of all believers, and concludes the chapter speaking more specifically on those gifts and encourages his hearers with the order to, “earnestly desire the most helpful” of gifts.  (12:31)

Chapter 13, best known as the “love” chapter, then, wraps it up with a charge to let love guide all actions and to let love attend upon every gift you possess.

And then in chapter 14, verse 1, he says this, “Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts…”

Earnestly desire.

And I wonder.

Because we can read about obtaining the gifts by grace… and then read the command to be driven by love… but what follows is the call to earnestly pursue.

And so it is that we are changed, not by the revelation knowledge alone… but by the gracious acceptance of the invitation to pursue.

I must pursue earnestly.
Because ALL is an invitation.

Revelation knowledge is good… education of the house of God is necessary… but it must lead me to pursue the person of Jesus.  It must lead me to an encounter with the Divine.

I must accept His invitation to pursue.

“…pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.”  2 Tim 2:22 (ESV)

“…He loves those who pursue godliness.”  Pros 15:9 (NLT)

“…Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.”  1 Tim 6:11 (ESV)

“…they must seek peace and pursue it.”  1 Peter 3:11 (NIV)

All is an invitation to pursue Him, know Him, be in relationship with Him, be guided by Him.

I am not changed by revelation knowledge alone… I am radically changed by my acceptance to the invitation He gives… to “come to Me…”  Matthew 11:28

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