Thursday, February 13, 2020

Knowing God's Character & Pleading His Nature


I love observing the life of David for many reasons, but above all, I love the life He well-spent for His God.

And I think we have LOTS to learn by careful observation of how He engaged with the Lord.

Psalm 10 is beautiful, yet honest and desperate prayer. It's a raw and honest look into the life of a man who lived with a devoted, yet sometimes conflicted heart.

We see so many things worth pointing out in these passages... David's sincere cry, his observance of the world that was so troubling around him, his direct requests to God... but it’s what happens at the very end of the text that means the most to me.

Verses 16-18 say this, "The Lord is King forever and ever! The godless nations will vanish from the land. Lord, You know the hopes of the helpless. Surely You will hear their cries and comfort them. You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed, so mere people can no longer terrify them." (NLT)

Regardless of the distress he was feeling, David returns to WHAT HE KNOWS TO BE TRUE OF HIS GOD.

And how is it that David was able to do this?
He KNEW God.
He was intimately acquainted with His works and His ways.
And He insisted to see the good in every ounce of pain he was experiencing.

So it is true with us... we can only plead what we KNOW of God. But we've got to know Him.

This is about knowing God's character and then pleading His nature into and over situations that are anything but painless.

And so it begins a series of the most important questions we may every answer.
Who is God... to me?
What do I know about God and His character that I can begin claiming over my person today?

Because for all of my deprivation, He has a divine nature to claim:
When I am sick God, You are The Healer.
When I am weary God, You are The Comforter.
When I am afraid God, You are The Protector.

Who is He to you today?
Who do you need Him to be?
Marry the two!
He is all You ever need Him to be and more!

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