Sunday, September 2, 2018

I'm Trusting In The God Who Goes Before

The unknowns are a bit scary. I’ll admit that freely.

My family and I are currently living in a ton of unknowns and uncertainties. There’s large questions looming over our heads. There’s big decisions that need to be made. Quickly. And it’s all, honestly, a little much.

But when you know the One who has created you... the One in whom all of blessings flow... the One who redeems all things and shows grace to all people... you find yourself in the midst of enormous, unfathomable peace.

And it’s really our job to encourage ourselves. Those of us who are following after Jesus... it’s our absolute responsibility to find ways to encourage our souls in the midst of the messiness of life.

Because this thing you’re in... this crisis you’re enduring... this hardship you’ve been handed... it’s an opportunity to strengthen your trust and increase your faith. This trial you’re facing has been assigned to you with the intention of making you better.

We need not be afraid. Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Ahh.. such perfect timing - His Word never returns to us void!

And so today I’m facing the fear head-on and I’m repeating it as often as necessary... until the words pierce my heart: The unknowns are always scary, but I’m trusting in the God who goes before!

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