Thursday, September 13, 2018

Inward Renewal

2 Cor 4:16 says, “Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.”

And this is really the polar opposite to what we normally say and how we generally believe. We say things like, “Outside we are looking good while inside where a total mess. “Or “I’m slowly dying inside.” No we’re not! If we belong to Jesus He is making new life inside of us day after day!

While the “outward” man.. the material framework of the body... is undergoing a gradual process of decay, the “inward” man.. the higher spiritual soul... is passing through stages of renewal.

Renewal is a word that is specifically characteristic of Paul. He uses it many times to describe being renovated, strengthened, invigorated.

And Paul is certain to define for us that the renewal requires effort in our part. Daily we are to devote ourselves to communion with the Father.

I love the illustration of the vine and the branches in John 15. The reminder to stay connected to the life source, Jesus. My commentary says this, “The full beauty and fruition of the branch is dependent upon it’s complete and constant identification with the tree.” It is said that when the lotus is broken, its fibers still remain. And while the frailest thread of connection remains, the flower doesn’t at once miss its bloom. Same as Christ with us. Even as we decay, Christ still ignites fresh energy and the soul by secret fibers of union.

Yet! Full beauty and fruitfulness of life are missed if we permit our communion with Jesus to become limited or irregular.

So often our anxiousness about life and it’s worries are mis-targeted. More likely our true concern lies in the depth of our inward man and it’s inconsistency in fellowship with the Savior of the world. My commentary brilliantly says, “Let the trees be right at the roots, and they will battle triumphantly with poisoned air.” Psalm 1:3 says we are to be rooted and grounded in love and knowledge... and so in being rooted and connected with the Creator, we may defy all storms this side of eternity!

We cannot neglect our garden and expect growth and reproduction. We must daily focus on inwardly being renewed by our union with the Father.

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