Sunday, September 16, 2018

Look TO Him and FOR Him!

Mark 6. The ever familiar story of Jesus walking on the water to rescue His frightened disciples. Vs 50 says this, “They were all terrified when they saw Him. Jesus spoke to them at once. ‘Don’t be afraid’, He said. ‘Take courage! I am here!’”

I experienced the same kind of fear a few weeks ago when I came out of a major abdominal surgery. The intense pain was worse than anything I’d ever had in my entire life. And somehow I’d gotten behind on my pain medication in recovery. When they couldn’t get it under control I felt so much fear and horrible panic started to set in. I’d never make it! It’s how I felt. But then l, suddenly, as if Christ Himself entered that hospital room, I calmed myself down long enough to whisper over and over the only words I could muster, “I can do hard things! Thank you Jesus!”

Because somewhere in the pain of my situation I heard the voice of Jesus telling me to take courage. I love the MSG version that simply tells us that Jesus says, “Courage! It’s Me!” Ahh, yes, Jesus had called the courage OUT of me! And when I got a glimpse of Jesus saying, “It’s Me! I am here!” everything changed!

We often see the bad situations happening in our lives and get intensely fearful. And yet Jesus says, “It’s Me! I’m here!”

We’ve got to see past our situation to the Savior. And maybe it’s saying it out loud... “I’m not looking at you, problem, I’m looking for Jesus! I know He’s here!!”

And I find it interesting that He spoke “take courage” before He stopped the wind. Because He asks us to be courageous IN the battle, not AFTER it’s over. He’s asking for relationship before remedy and relief.

The disciples fear disappeared when His presence increased and they realized Jesus came to rescue them. He’s always rounding the bend to accomplish deliverance for us.

“It’s Me!”

We are to recognize Christ more vividly in our troubles. Though the storm be ever present, it’s by appearance only. No travesty is too big that His mere presence cannot eradicate!

And so in the storms of life, it will often bring about worry when His presence doesn’t seem apparent. That’s when we look TO him and FOR Him! He’s there!!!

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