Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Unlikeliest Circumstances

I snapped this photo at church on the last Sunday Chloe was home from school on Christmas break.
And I cried.

Because this image says so much about a daddy’s love for his one and only girl. It says so much about the godly example he’s modeling for her future husband. And it says so much about the journey we’ve been on and the abiding presence of a God who has never one time left us, forgotten about us, or abandoned us.

Oh and I think about it... today... on a cold Tuesday morning in January. The joy He’s given us through the most unlikeliest circumstances. The peace He’s provided through the most unlikeliest circumstances. The blessings we have been lavished through the most unlikeliest circumstances.

Ahh... yes! The unlikely circumstances of life.

They could prove most effective if we allow.

Because circumstances seem irrelevant to the heart set like stone to do His will and only His will. They seem insignificant to the mind laser focused on true alteration that brings life transformation.

Because I’m walking testimony that there’s power found in surrender. And there’s hope in the waiting seasons of life. I’ve bore witness to the miracle of His mercy and patience on a life simply put: yielded to all He has. I’ve seen the strengthening of faith, the deepening of awareness of Presence, and the growing of trust.

And they’ve all been birthed through the most unlikeliest of circumstances.

He’s working even now. No.. especially now! What’s that... for our good and His glory?

And so I take seriously my role in giving Him glory. It’ll never be enough, but I will keep pouring until this vessel runs dry.

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