Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Thank You Jesus

Thank You Jesus.

Today: just thank You.

Thank You for Your answers to my prayers. Even the ones with outcomes un-agreeable to my flesh. Especially those. Because You always know best.

Thank You for overlooking the attributes I possess that should keep me from Your loving kindness and immeasurable mercy.

Thank You that Your promises are true. And that I am invited to be a co-laborer for Your plan and purpose for this, my home away from home.

Thank you that You refuse to leave me in the messes I make.

Thank You for the intensity of Your pursuit after not just some of me, but ALL of me!

Thank You for another day to shout Your praises from the depths of my heart, and for Your promise to inhabit the praises, regardless of my oft disregard of proper reverence and trembling.

Thank You, Jesus.

You are always good.
You are always kind.
You are always slow to anger.
You are always wise in council.
You are my Life Sustainer.

And today, my unworthy heart has been awakened and stirred to and abundant overflow of gratefulness!

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