Monday, April 22, 2019

What Will I Resurrect?

And on the day following Easter I wonder about it.

Because we sing the songs on Sunday: “the resurrected King is resurrecting me...”, and “death has lost its grip on me...”, and “you called my name and I ran out of that grave.”

But I wonder.... did we?
Or are we still there?

Because Monday comes. And I wonder have we forgotten already?

Because I see it there in print and I cannot leave. I’m fixated on the words, “The spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you....”. (Rom 8:11).

And so the power that raised Jesus... the same resurrected power in Him, then, also lives in me? Yep. And in you too, if you’ve placed your faith in Him!

Resurrect: to raise from the dead; bring back to life again; to bring back into use, practice; revive; renew.

THAT power lives in me too.
And so I wonder why it might be there? What purpose is it for?

And I see it more clearly on this Monday following His resurrection.

It’s there for reason. For good purpose. Resurrection power is there for the sake of resurrecting.

Almost seems too logical.

Resurrection power comes with a resurrection assignment.
I must raise something from dead.
I must bring something to life again.
I must transform something back into use.
I must revive what’s been seduced by slumber.
I must renew that which has been damaged.

It’s my responsibility.

And I owe it to self. And to others.

To resurrect something.

And so I look again at the sticky note that hangs within eyeshot daily: I’ve been given resurrection power for the purpose of resurrecting something!

Dead bones come alive!
Forgiveness resurrected!
Joy resurrected!
Freedom resurrected!
Honor resurrected!
Praise resurrected!
Awe and Wonder resurrected!
Hope resurrected!
Unconditional love resurrected!
Expectancy of the impossible resurrected!

Today I stand... a yielded vessel brimming with resurrection power! And I’m ready to embark on the assignment given to me by a Father who knows my worth and value, and trusts me to raise from something now dead to life once again!

He doesn’t need me. But He chooses to co-labor with me... and I cannot allow another resurrection Sunday to leave me deadened to all that needs reviving!

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