Saturday, June 8, 2019

Keep Your Heart In Love With Jesus!

John 15:8 (red letter of Jesus) says this, "When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to My Father."

And shouldn't it really be the ultimate goal of the Christ-follower to bring great glory to the Father?

It's holy living that we should be after. Hearts surrendered to Him; lives aimed at representing His character well. As we exemplify godly behavior, we evidence our connection to the Father and in the process, excite others toward a relationship with Him!

And the truth really is that fruitfulness is not accidental, it is intentional. It is something that is aimed for, worked at, and cultivated consistently.

Those who produce much fruit in their lives are faithful, humble, devoted, and always abounding in the work of the Lord. They see things from a different perspective - a heavenly perspective - and it's unmistakable by the beautiful ripe fruit they produce.

There are some distinctive things that hinder growth in Christ. Things we ought to be aware of as we journey through this life. Things like:
  • idleness/laziness
  • unworthiness
  • unwatchfulness
  • carelessness
  • involvement in sinful ways of the world
  • deadening absorption in the cares and the pursuits of this world
Fruitfulness reveals the nature of God. And so it becomes our responsibility: keep our hearts in love with God.

And so I place before me this question: Am I producing much fruit? Is it evident in the way I live? Others, by viewing my life, are detecting, discerning, and ultimately deciding for themselves if Jesus is real.

Am I conscious of improving daily? Where is my focus if it's not truly on the improvement of my soul? After all - this is the part of me that will forever live with my King!

I must maintain a deep awareness of God's goodness, and I must focus on being better than I was last week, last year.

It all really matters! THIS brings great glory to the Father!

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