Tuesday, January 21, 2020

How Soon Can You Get Here?

I read recently a story about a woman who, several years ago was going through a really rough season.  The obstacles she was facing felt like giant mountains and she was having a hard time coping with the reality of her challenging circumstances.

In an effort to try to encourage her and restore hope in her, her dear husband reached out to friends of theirs who lived on the opposite side of the country as them for prayer support and maybe even some recommendations for strengthening her weary spirit.  But more than anything what they knew they needed was the influence of community.

When they phoned their friend who is a very busy traveling pastor with an intense speaking schedule, and many demanding responsibilities, his response was gracious, loving, automatic and more like Jesus than almost anything I’ve heard compared by human reasoning.  Six words that she would say altered the course of the rest of her days.  His words?  “How soon can you get here?”

When all the others were satisfying their obligation with kind words… necessary words even… like, “I will pray for you.” and “You should go talk to someone.”, there was one who extended something more.  Community.  Companionship.  Camaraderie.

Because He knew something about the power of tribe and of finding your people and loving them well.  Even when it’s hard.  Even when it’s challenging.  Even in distance.

Because we need each other.
And sometimes closeness offers more than condolences ever will.

And so I challenge myself… and you too… to find your “How soon can you get here” friends.  To BE the “How soon can you get here” friend.  I am MORE than blessed to have many of them.  Ones who love relentlessly, pray without ceasing, and know when getting you to them or them to you is a simple, yet powerful prescription to the virus that threatens and the illness that sometimes invades.

Find your people.
Run with them hard.
And when they get weary in the race, ask them one of the most life-changing questions you could ever ask… “How soon can you get here?”

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