Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Look For What God Can Do!

In John, chapter 9, we read a story about Jesus healing a blind man.  Scripture tells us that this man had been “blind from birth.” (verse 1)

And the disciples seemed quite inquisitive and even a bit concerned with the predicament of this man.  They asked Jesus, whom they called, “Rabbi”, “Why was this man born blind?  Was it because of his own sins, or his parents’ sins?”  (verse 2)

And isn’t that just like us?  Always looking for a cause for condition?  Because for it to “make sense” from a human perspective, we must find a reasonable explanation for deficiency. 

And, still, God in His kindness allows us space to wrestle with these kinds of human thoughts.

And likely one of my favorite verses in all of scripture is found in verse 3.  It’s Jesus’ response.  He says this, “It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins… This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.”

Take a look at it in the Message version.  “Jesus said, ‘You’re asking the wrong question.  You’re looking for someone to blame.  There is no such cause-effect here.  Look, instead, for what God can do.”

Our temptation in hard situations is to look for blame.
“They left because…”
“I got sick because…”
“She didn’t stay because..”

And we look for something to blame.
Sometimes we look for someONE to blame.

But the ways of Jesus are different.
And we’ve got to begin aligning our thoughts to His.

Could it be that this happened SO THAT that power of God could be seen in me?
That job loss, that relationship failure, that illness.
That major setback, that misfortune, that stumbling block?

Could it be that what the enemy meant for harm, God actually meant for good?
And He’s looking for ways to return the glory to Himself through our difficulties?

Stop looking for blame, and start looking, instead, for what God can do.
How can I take this disadvantage and use it for good?
How can I improve upon this deficiency?
How can I develop beyond this defect?

If I am constantly exercising my renewed mind to see from a heavenly perspective… preoccupying my thoughts with God possibilities… then I leave no room for doubt, fear, and accusation.

Look instead for what God can do!!

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