Friday, March 20, 2020

Nearest To His Heart When We're Under His Wings!

Psalm 63:7 is such a great verse for us to cling to during these trying and difficult times.  “Because You are my Helper, I sing for joy in the shadow of Your wings.” 

“In the shadow of Your wings.”

In difficulty sometimes it’s hard to see His face.
Other times He deliberately hides His face for a season.
But He always offers, to us, the protectiveness of His wings.

For some reason, when I read those words in Psalm 63, my mind went immaturely to a picture that was taken of my niece and I years ago when she was probably 7 or 8.  I have no idea why this was the image that popped into my mind.  In fact I tried to locate it, but couldn’t.  But I remember it vividly in my mind.

It was a Friday night and my daughter was having a sleepover, and my niece was there too.  We had just received word that her dad was hospitalized for a health concern, and she was pretty worried about her daddy.  Up to this point she hadn’t really “took to me” in a loving and maternal way, but in these difficult moments, she needed reassurance and hope.  Upon hanging up the phone with her mom she quickly darted over to me, sat in my lap, wrapped her arms around my waist, and gently nestled her head into my chest.

And in that moment she received what she needed.

And she remained there until she felt strong enough to continue playing with the rest of the kids.

Looking back on that moment… now frozen in time… it was a turning point for us.  Before this, she had only known of my character from a distance.  She had only been a witness to my nature without intimate experience.  But now… by manner of personal acquaintance and physical companionship, she understood that I was someone who could be trusted.

At times like this… when we are tempted to believe that God has hidden His face from His people… it is most important for us to stay hidden underneath His wings.

But know this… we are nearest to the HEART of the Father when we’re under His wings.

I think back to that image of Maya and I and the way her head was tucked safely under my arm, resting there upon my chest.  My heart.

She as nearest PHYSICALLY to my heart because she was under my wing.

Metaphorically speaking we are nearest to His heart when we reside up underneath His wing.
We get to know the nature and the character of our good good God.
We become intimately aware of His love, His forgiveness, His mercy, His protection, His grace, His power, His strength.
The closer we choose to be to Him, the more evident His character becomes to us, and the more evident His character becomes to us, the more we can trust Him with our whole lives.

Friends … He still has the whole world in the palm of His hands.
Scripture tells us that He does not change.  He cannot change.
And for that we can safely rest in the shadow of His wings.

We’re nearest to His heart when we’re under His wings!

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