Friday, April 17, 2020

Boundary Line To Our Burdens

I always try to convey the importance of reading, “until you hear His voice.”  And while faithfully pursuing the heart of God, we always find His voice.

Jeremiah 5:20-22 says, “Make this announcement to Israel, and say this to Judah: Listen, you foolish and senseless people, with eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear. Have you no respect for Me? Why don’t you tremble in My presence? I, the Lord, define the ocean’s sandy shoreline as an everlasting boundary that the waters cannot cross. The waves may toss and roar, but they can never pass the boundaries I set.”

All of the prophesy chapters that are considered “warnings” can be difficult to read.
And they can be even harder to theologically define.

But more than making us “scholars”, I think Jesus is simply calling us to “see” with unimpaired vision… to come simply with a hungry heart to BE with Jesus and to read until you hear His voice speak to your quieted, stilled spirit.

Look at the verses again:
“Listen, you foolish and senseless people.”
“With eyes that do not see.”
“And ears that do not hear.”

Isaiah had prophesied a “bringing out” of “the people who have eyes, but are blind, and have ears but are deaf.”  (Is 43:8)  AND LOOK - just before that, in verse 7 he says, “Bring all who claim Me as their God, for I have made them for My glory.  It was I who created them.” 

Could it be, then that the “blind and the deaf” he is referring here to, are the very ones who claim Jesus as Savior, but refuse to live beyond the cross?  Who refuse to live in obedience to the very One who shed His blood for them?

Check out too, more about blindness.  In John 9:39, in talking with a man who was just healed by Jesus after being blind from birth says this, “I entered this world to render judgement - to give sight to the blind and to show those who THINK they see that they are blind.”

I have personal conviction that even this pandemic we’re in isn’t so much for the ones who NEVER knew Him - but rather the ones who THINK they see, but are really still blind.

Continuing o he prophesies:
“Have you no respect for Me?”
“Why don’t you tremble in My presence?”
Oh isn’t the our nation?

I cried yesterday at the outrage I have see demonstrated in our country.
I bawled as my heart poured out to God for the return of His people.

BUT then this… and here is my encouragement to you today through it all:
“I, the Lord, define the ocean’s sandy shoreline as an everlasting boundary that the waters cannot cross. The waves may toss and roar, but they can never pass the boundaries I set.”

Read it again.
This time slower.
“I the Lord DEFINE the ocean’s sandy SHORELINES as an everlasting BOUNDARY that the waters cannot cross…. they can never pass the BOUNDARIES I set.”

Oh friends.
Do you see it?
Read those highlights again!

He DEFINES the SHORELINES and sets a BOUNDARY that waters cannot cross.


Could it be that we could believe today that God sets a BOUNDARY for our BURDENS?
There’s an end to the suffering.
Because the people of God - the true REMNANT of His salvation - CANNOT be brought to destruction by suffering!!!

He is keeping the waters within their appointed bounds.

My commentary on this says, “When God looks down into human society, underneath the (to us) often calm surface, He must see little else than stormy agitation, one human billow dashing against another, each individual in his self-assertion, contributing to make a general disturbance and a disturbance which apparently will not soon have an end.”

It is my STRONG condition and something God gave me a STRONG vision for is this…
When we have seen calm in the earth before this - returning our minds back to “the good old days”, when things were “normal”… might not have looked so “good” and “normal” to Him.  We have been fighting, and warring against the very creation we were designed to love and protect. We have, for a long time now, been creating division and living in evil cycles of disobedience… refusing to give honor and rightly see God in splendor and glory.
YET - in these days…. the ones we would consider “hard” and “disruptive” to us - perhaps God sees as HIS GLORY manifesting in the earth and giving way to the RISE of the real believers… the remnant He has called to rise up in challenging circumstances… to pave the way for other radical Jesus people to follow!

Just think through that for a while.

And be joyously reminded today that GOD sets boundary lines to our suffering.
There is a time… His perfect time… where He will say, “ENOUGH is ENOUGH!”

The storm - with all of it’s destruction and it’s danger is POWERLESS to overwhelm and overcome the SOLID LAND.

Are you solid land???

The boundaries are fixed.  The limits have been set by God Almighty.
But He’s patiently waiting for His people to take a stand against the darkness by refusing to highlight the work of the enemy.
He’s looking for the remnant to rise up and praise in the midst of pain.

We just might get to determine, after all, how harshly we’re impacted by this pandemic.

God sets a boundary line for it all, friend… ALL.
He is patiently awaiting your return to Him.

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