Wednesday, May 27, 2020

I Do Not Live At The Mercy Of Externals

Some days... you have to say, "enough is enough."

It's not the absence of difficulties that brings peace.  It's not the reduction of changing circumstances that deepens pleasure.  It's my NON-COMPLIANCE to living reactionary to all that aims at inflicting pain.  It's my unwillingness to be gravely affected by harsh winds purposed to shatter my hope and steal my joy.

Though my heart be grieved over the pain I see happening all around me, I determine to not live in an unnecessary state of fear and panic. I refuse to live reactionary to all that the enemy would love to keep my focus reduced to.

I am not controlled by and will not live at the mercy of externals.  My joy comes from the Lord; my peace comes from knowing Him and being known by Him.

"The JOY of the LORD is my STRENGTH." Neh 8:10

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