Thursday, May 21, 2020

Showing Restraint

1 Samuel 24, in my Bible, is entitled, "David Shows Restraint."

It's a story many of us are all pretty familiar with.

King Saul was after the would-be King David.
He sends 3,000 elite troops from all over Israel to go searching in the wilderness for David.
Scripture tells us that when Saul was in a cave "relieving himself", David and his men were hiding in the very same cave!
David's men tell David, "Now is your chance!  Get him while he's vulnerable!"
So David... lured by the whispers of his men, and likely overcome by his own rage, creeps forward to cut off a piece of Saul's robe.

But something was different about David's heart.
We see in verse 4 the Bible says, "But David's conscience began bothering him because he had cut Saul's robe."

He knows he shouldn't have done that, so in turn we see David restraining his men and refusing to move forward with revenge that would have led to the annihilation of the King.

And I wonder, too, if you and I could use some practical wisdom from the life of David and from the glorious forbearance he exhibited concerning revenge.  I wonder, if instead of giving in to the temptation to retaliate, even so much as in the mind, we could:

1.) Consider the goodness of God, His forbearance, and His long-suffering.
2.) Contemplate the example of Jesus.
3.) Keep watchful over the first - even slightest inclination of evil.
4.) Pray for the spirit of patience, forgiveness, and love.

It is so important as we look out on a troubling world, a disheartened society, a wounded community, and breathe upon the pain with hope and encouragement.  To offer up different solutions of redemption and grace. 

It is necessary (and possible) to be as the Ark of the Covenant carriers, who usher in the Divine Presence of Jesus Himself into every defeated environment, and to absolutely refuse to highlight the work of the enemy.

David knew a better way, albeit not always, but more habitually than not, and he invites us in to the same.  Look to Father and of His goodness, contemplate the wonderful example of His Son, Jesus, guard your heart at all cost lest you be trapped by evil ways, and pray continually for a spirit of the One who knew no sin.

It matters.  To an onlooking world and even more importantly, to the Perfecter and Rewarder of our faith.

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