Monday, June 22, 2020

Walk The Same Path

Jesus says it when He calls Matthew (Levi), the tax collector, to be His student.  “Follow Me and be My disciple” He tells him.  And the Word tells us that he got up and followed him.

Because there was just something about Jesus.

The amplified version says it like this, “Follow Me [as My disciple, accepting Me as your Master and Teacher and walking the same path of life that I walk.]”

The Kenneth Wurest translation says that Jesus said this, “Start following with Me as My disciple and consider it a permanent appointment.”

When Jesus called Matthew, it wasn’t a classroom He was inviting Him into, it was an encounter He was welcoming Him to experience.  He was saying: “Follow, observe, learn My ways.  Learn what it’s like to be around me, and it will be in the walking the path I’m walking that you will be like Me.”

May my continual aim be to walk the same path Jesus walked, so I can feel by encounter, and know by experience what it’s like to go where He did and do what He did.

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