Sunday, August 16, 2020

What Stars Are Visible?


I remember first coming upon it when I was going through the book of Isaiah at the start of this pandemic. And for whatever reason, God has brought me back to it on more than a couple occasions since.

It’s Isaiah 21, verses 11 and 12. They say this,

“This message came to me concerning Edom: Someone from Edom keeps calling to me, 'Watchman, how much longer until morning? When will the night be over?” The watchman replies, ‘Morning is coming, but night will soon return. If you wish to ask again, then come back and ask.’”
I was reading in a commentary by Charles Spurgeon and it says this, “let us observe the signs of the times, and prepare for conflict.”

And I have to be honest that I struggled with that when I first read the words.
“Prepare for conflict.”

And yet I know it’s true.

Conflict and hardship is promised to the believer of Jesus Christ.

“In this world we WILL have trouble.”
It’s a promise straight from His Holy Word.

But I wonder as I continue on reading Spurgeons words, “Watchman, what of the night? What stars are visible? What precious promises suit out present ease?” And further reading, “Watchman, when comes the morning? Are there no signs of His coming fourth as the Sun of Righteousness? Has not the Morning Star arisen as the pledge of the day?”

“What stars are visible?”

I know so many of us right now are in a season of “waiting.” And I know many of us - if not most of are - are looking for the question to be answered, “How much longer until morning?”

We’re asking it in these uncertain, times of trial and unrest…. “When will the morning come? How much longer will we have to endure the night?”

And to that I return to his words in the commentary… “What stars are visible?”

What do you see?
What can you see in the midst of the darkness?
What beauty can still be witnessed in the darkest, blackest night?

God has given us promise after promise in His word.
He has been so faithful to provide for us - rest in the chaos.
Joy in the pain.
Laughter through the tears.
And morning is coming.

But while we wait… what stars are visible????

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