Sunday, September 27, 2020

Jesus Did Well... So Must We


One of the things I have been working hard on in my own life is living by the example set forth by Jesus, Himself.

It’s easy to read scripture and be “inspired” by what Jesus taught.  It’s one thing to be stimulated by words in print, but it’s an entirely different thing to be stirred by action to look more like the Son of God.

One thing that has been on repeat for me when I closely examine the character of Jesus, is the fact that He looked into the face of evil and He did well.  He kept His gaze on the Father without retiring prematurely, and without succumbing to the corruption of His day.

In the very presence of betrayal, rejection, intimidation, and ultimate elimination, Jesus never steered off course; never removed His eyes from the assignment; never stopped seeing from divine perspective.

There are several practical examples in scripture:
His beloved Peter, upon Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, cuts off the ear of one of the high priests servants.  Seeing this, Jesus rebukes Peter and heals the man with the severed ear by restoring the body part entirely.  (Luke 22:49-51)

When Jesus was on His way to heal the body of a little girl who was ill, the mourners present at the time of His arrival mocked Him and laughed at Him.  He was apparently too late, as the 12-year-old had died.  But Jesus resurrects her despite the challenges presented from the onlookers.  (Mark 5:21-43)

When Jesus was preparing to heal a paralyzed man, the teachers of religious law said to themselves that it was “blasphemy”, desperately grasping at straws to bring a charge against Him that would stick.  Jesus knew their thoughts, and He healed the man anyway.  (Luke 5:17-26)

He was moved with compassion for people who needed a healing touch.
He was aroused to act in ways that demonstrated the heart of His Father regardless of public opinion or commonplace criticism.

He knew why He came.
Secure in His calling, He looked in the face of evil and He did well.
He made the choice to live with limited ability, and committed Himself to doing only that which He saw the Father do, and saying only that which He heard the Father say.

And so can we?
In the face of evil - live like Jesus?
In the face of betrayal - forgive like Jesus?
In the face of rejection - hold steadfast to the call like Jesus?
In the face of intimidation - keep God in full view like Jesus?
In the face of elimination - praise Him for that which He has done like Jesus?

Jesus looked in the face of evil and He did well.
So must we.

Jesus - help us!

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