Monday, April 12, 2021

Evaluate Your Frustration


If I am being honest, one of the things I pray for quite a bit for my daughter is her frustration.

In part because she tends to be much like me - her momma - who also has a stubborn streak in her and can become easily frustrated, especially over things that really don’t matter - but also in part because she is young and the world can be such a difficult, disappointing place.

And one look back at a prayer journal I see the words.  Words I had heard the Spirit speak to me in my prayer time.  And I share them with you today:

“Often we’re frustrated because we’re not holding up our end of the bargain.”

The date I had written that in my journal was February 15, 2018.

I was in the midst of a disappointing season in my life.
And unknowingly we were about to embark on a more painful and challenging season.  

It was just around the corner.

And in our frustration sometimes we are so tempted to blame others.  Or blame circumstances.
“They make me so mad!”
“If I didn’t have to put up with her, everything would be fine.”
“It’s because I am living with this chronic illness - that’s why I’m frustrated!”

We say things like - “You don’t understand how hard it is.”
And as the words are leaving our mouths the enemy secures his victory over our abandonment of the truth we once knew.
Because you know the enemy can’t read your thoughts, right?  So the minute the words leave your tongue and exit your mouth, you’ve already embarked upon a slippery slope.  We’ve now given him reason to confirm his thoughts about our weakened faith.

Ahh friend.. don’t let him!

Sometimes we’re frustrated because we aren’t holding up our end of the bargain.
Maybe we’ve stopped praying for God’s rescue.
Maybe we’ve been too busy to get alone with Jesus.
Maybe we’ve separated ourselves from His truth and His promises.

Whatever it is.. return to Him.
It’s not too late.

May we always properly evaluate our frustration.
May we ask ourselves questions like, “Why do I feel like this?”  “Where is Jesus in all of this?”  “What part do I play here that I need to take ownership for?”

It truly changes everything!

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