Wednesday, April 11, 2018

He Sees You

I know there is someone else who needs this same encouragement the way I did this morning.

God sees you.

Three words that may rescue you from the pit on a Wednesday morning.

God. Sees. You.

Hagar knew a little something about this.

Unexpected grace.

There in the midst of her pain and her sadness and her overwhelming fear and regret… she knew it.  And she said it in Genesis 16, verse 13, “… Hagar used another name to refer to the Lord who had spoken to her.  She said, ‘You are the God who sees me.’”

I had highlighted it there in my Bible many years ago.  But I wonder if I’ve always believed it?

Because I think the truth really is that we are quick to recognize His presence in the lives of others.  We easily embrace this idea that He speaks to others and draws near to those more “godly” than we.

But that’s improper thinking.

He sees you!

From the top of your head, to the bottom of your feet… yes, even now… He is examining you.  And He is greatly riveted by your comings and goings and your doings.  He sees you supremely, constantly, entirely.

He sees where you are hurt.  He hears the cries of your heart before you even utter a word.  He knows the pain your have suffered.  He knows the nights you have laid awake in bed burdened by the weight of your circumstances.

He sees you!

And there is never a moment when you are out of His sight.  There’s not one place you can hide to escape His awaiting and abiding love for you.

He sees you lying wounded on the battlefield, and with unending mercy He leaves the masses to behold your aching spirit and mend the shattered pieces of your heart.

I say it often to those I love who’s brokenness and wounded-ness has gravely affected their disposition… “He is madly in love with you!”

And He is with you too!

He is a God who sees.  A God moved with compassion for the hearts of His children.  And “…not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.”  (Matt 10:29)  And how much more precious are you than one sparrow?

Know it today.  He sees you.  He knows you.  He longs after you.

Go forth today in hope knowing that the God who holds the universe together, is also holding your heart together today!

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