The words we say matter. And what you say to yourself daily matters more than you think! There is power in your vocabulary! That's why we must begin declaring the promises and purposes over our lives!
Isaiah 62:3 says, "The Lord will hold you in His hand for all to see - a splendid crown in the hand of God."
Oh friend... that we are that dear to Him - that He calls us to be crowns of glory in His hands!
That we are regarded by Him "as a crown is by a prince; as a crown of massy gold, stuck with jewels, is rich and valuable, so are they in the eyes of Christ; they are dear and precious to him; high in his esteem; which he will not suffer to be trampled upon, or to be taken away from him, no more than a prince will suffer his crown to be so used or lost..." (according to my commentary.)
The crown indicates that the Lord delights in us and looks upon us with a glad approval. We are held in high regard as a crown of jewels, for the purpose of shining brightly for our King!
And so we daily declare: I am a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord.
Daily Declarations
#inspire #inspireministries #dailydeclarations #speakingwordsoflife #scripture #bible
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