Thursday, August 23, 2018

Our Inward Man

2 Corinthians 4:16 says, "That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day."

"That" in the verse being God receiving more and more glory!

The Message version says it this way, which I love, "So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside where God is making new life, not a day goes by without His unfolding grace."

How beautiful is this?!

And really this is quite the polar opposite of what we normally say and how we generally believe. We say things like, "Outside I look good while inside I'm a mess and falling apart!" or "I'm slowly dying inside."

NO we're not! NOT according to this verse we're not! God is making NEW LIFE within us day by day. Our internal life in Jesus is being renewed every single day!

The "outward" man... the material framework of the body... is undergoing a gradual process of decay. Oh boy do I know this well. I know ALL of us know this well. BUT the "inward" man (the higher, spiritual life) is "day-by-day" passing through stages of renewal.

And it's a word that seems to be specifically characteristic of Paul (Rom 12:2, Col 3:10, Titus 3:5). Renewal means this... renovated, strengthened, invigorated, more faith in God.

Though our body fades, our heart doesn't seem to sympathize with the suffering and decaying of its form. My commentary says that, "while our bodies fade away, our souls become more fit for the flight to our eternal home."

However... oh HOWEVER.. there is work to be done on the part of those who believe!

We must habitually exercise the daily renewal of our inward man. It is our responsibility. Day by day we must instruct and elevate our mind above the world and find communion in God's Word. It is, after all, the daily MANNA for our soul.

Let's think about the closing words of the Lord in John 15:3-7 when He is talking about the tree and it's branches. "I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I am in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing."

Ahh... yes! The full beauty and fruit producing fruition of the branch (us) is dependent upon its complete and constant identification with the tree (Jesus).

The full beauty and fruitfulness of life are missed if we allow our fellowship and intimacy with God and the truth of Jesus to become limited or irregular. Heaven forbid if we cut it off entirely. Communion is our life-source!

I read it in my commentary this way, "We are often deeply anxious about the outer world, its clouds, temptations, worries, painful circumstances etc... but really our concern lies chiefly with the depth and force of the life within us!" It goes on to say, "Let the trees be right at the roots and they will battle triumphantly with the poisoned air."


So much of what we battle externally is absolutely the result of how we are conditioning ourselves internally. How we are preparing for heaven. How we are exercising our habits of mercy and grace. How we are growing in the knowledge of who Jesus is. How we are allowing who He is to transform who we are becoming.

Psalm 1:3 says this, "Being rooted and grounded in knowledge and love..." We must be adequately ROOTED and GROUNDED in our knowledge of WHO God is and learn to love like Him. And in doing so... in caring deeply about our "inward man", we may defy all storms of this life, and the deadly atmospheres we are required to reside in.

And so it's a matter of asking ourselves the question: what kind of atmosphere do I want to reside in?

We are all very well aware of the awful results of a neglected garden. It's precisely why I don't have one. I know, all too well, that my neglect would ultimately produce not only an overgrown eyesore, but also, and more importantly, an un-yielded crop.

And isn't the whole point of this life as a follower of Jesus, to be ever fruit-producing??

And so I decide today to renew my commitment to working tirelessly day-by-day on my inward man while my outward man passes away. I will choose to store up my treasures in heaven and keep in my view the Lord Jesus who is my prize!!! <3 

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