Tuesday, September 4, 2018

What And How Are We Building?

Matthew 7:24-25 says this, “Anyone who listens to My teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the flood waters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it was built on bedrock.”

These are the words of Jesus at the close of the Sermon on the Mount. He was warning His hearers that there’s a storm coming that will challenge every men’s work. Building a solid structure.. a firm foundation.. is key to surviving inclement weather. He’s encouraging His listeners to build well. To consider the structure before it’s too late.

When building a life on sand, the foundation is gradually worn away. But by building our structure on rock - when we have deep reliance on God’s promises, absolute confidence in His protection, and a hope of heaven through His blood - all of hell’s attempts to destroy us will prove unsuccessful.

And when we are building on rock we are living a life which is based upon and shaped after His pattern and His example. It’s the task of drawing nearer and nearer to Jesus. My commentary says it’s only practice that can change our innate corrupt character, and that action is the highest perfection that draws forth power, vigor, and passion. Charles Spurgeon says, “Our conduct is the outcome and revelation of character and the test of being a follower of Jesus.”

We have to live in the house that we build. And so it’s a fair question to ask ourselves - how are we building? It will ultimately be tested by the storms of life and the storm of final judgement. 1 Cor 3:13 says that, “... fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done. The fire will show if a person’s work has any value.”

My commentary continues, “A sensible builder calculates the strain to which his work will be exposed before he begins construction.” And so it’s best to build accordingly. To be prepared for anything.

Will our construction survive calamity? All that is built upon Christ Jesus will withstand. All unstable architecture will vanish.

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