Sunday, October 21, 2018

Doing Only What Jesus Is Doing

John 5:19 is Jesus’ response to the Jewish leaders who had been harassing Him for breaking Sabbath rules and also for claiming equality with God. He says this, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by Himself. He does only what He sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.”

Jesus did nothing apart from the appointment of the Father. Nothing contrary to His character. Nothing “independently” or “separate” from His Father. Jesus is saying here that He acted in no way on His own accord. He doesn’t do or will do anything without the knowledge and consent of God, the Father.

Everything Jesus did and does is in conjunction with the Heavenly Father. There is perfect union... extreme oneness.

And I see it today slightly different. This observation Christ makes of the Creator was not in the actual work He witnessed... but perhaps it was in having been a witness to Divine character and supernatural temperament. I conjure up and image of Jesus receiving holy inspiration by sitting upon the lap of His good, good Father, observing firsthand His purpose and plan and executing it with masterful detail and overwhelming love. I picture Jesus maintaining an awareness of God’s nature and design, and then intentionally choosing to adopt the same disposition.

The Father’s great character then, was known, seen, observed, and acted upon by the Son.
And so we must ask ourselves, “Am I doing only what my Father is doing?” Am I choosing truth and grace? Am I loving others regardless of the cost? Am I staying connected to the Vine? Am I willing to risk reputation for the sake of upholding the Gospel message with integrity?

Oh that I would be found doing only that which my Father is doing!

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