Tuesday, January 15, 2019

I am Resolute In My Yes!

It’s customary for me to journal my way through my prayer time each morning. I make a list of requests in blue ink and then mark it up with pink or red ink what I feel prompted to by the Holy Spirit. It works for my brain and it helps me to pay close attention to what I’m hearing from God.
Yesterday morning was a beautiful morning of deep meditation and prayer.

One thing I heard the Holy Spirit prompt me to say was, “I am resolute in my yes!”

Ahh... resolute in my yes!

Resolute has a plethora of beautiful synonyms that I knew I must make a list of. And thus turned into a declaration page within my journal. One I’m sure to return to often.

I am resolute in my yes!

Before I know the question - I say yes. I say yes to what You’re doing and what You’ve done. I say yes to what You’re saying and what You’ve said. I say yes to trusting You. I say yes to obedience. I say yes to the work You’re doing. I say yes to love. I say yes to forgiveness. I say yes to all that You give!

I. Say. Yes.

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