Monday, February 11, 2019

Give Me A Passion!

I remember a time when the Word of God was just another book to me. Words on a page. Overwhelmingly large. Difficult to make sense of. seemingly irrelevant to my every day life.
And then I did something different.

Sitting at my kitchen table having what I was attempting to be an intentional “quiet time” daily, I began asking God this, “Give me a passion for Your Word.”

I didn’t care if I understood it with great clarity and wisdom. I just wanted to desire it with every fiber of my being. I wanted it to be something I longed for like nothing else in life. I wanted it to come alive and radically change the course of my life.

And when I began praying that prayer. I mean, really praying that prayer with an authentic heart, everything changed!


Because His Word is alive! It’s active! It’s shaking and shaping my world! It’s bringing hope! It’s strengthening my spirit! It’s challenging me to grow closer to Jesus.

I cannot imagine my life without the Word. I cannot imagine my days without His promises. And I don’t want to imagine my eyes without beholding the beauty unlocked within the pages of this beautiful story!

So pray it today if you’re struggling with the desire. “Lord, give me a passion for Your Word!”
I am alive because of His voice discovered right here!

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