Wednesday, February 13, 2019

My Faves

I have had a lot of questions as of late, especially, asking me about some of my favorite things.  Like favorite Bible translations, favorite notebooks, and favorite journaling supplies.

Here is a list of some of my favorite things, favorite sites, favorite purchases, and favorite as-of-today overall goodies I've discovered through the years.

I hope you enjoy!  :)

This has been my favorite journal to use for my quiet time every day.  I have used this one (Markings brand) for at least that past 4 years and I tend to fill one up about every 3 months.

This is the journal I traditionally use for my "ONE" journalThis is the journal that I washi-tape the sides of.  I use this as sort of a catch-all journal for my entire year.  I usually carry it around in my purse with me and jot things in it like inspirational quotes, bible verses I want to keep handy, prayers I am praying specifically over certain ongoing situations, song lyrics, and just about anything I want to remember for a given year.

I use this journal when taking notes at church.  I absolutely love the buttery pages of this one!

These are really cool tabs to use in your journals and Bibles!  All in fun assortment of colors too!

I have been asked a lot about my Washi Tape ring.  I purchased mine through The Reset Girl ( last year,  but unfortunately they are not for sale any longer on her website.  However, you can type in Extra Large Key Rings and get a ploethera of ones that come up, OR you can use inexpensive embroidery hoops, found at places like Hobby Lobby and Joann Fabric.  I also use these smaller Album Rings to add 5-7 rings of washi to them - and they travel really well!  Hey - you never know when you'll be in need of emergency washi tape!  LOL!

Here is the planner I am currently using and have been loving.  Here is the one I have also used in the past and very much enjoyed.  That particular one has covers that can be changed out.

Here is the Bible that I use and that I have been loving for the past 8 years.  I also LOVE LOVE LOVE The Passion Translation.  I got mine here!

This little embellishment tray has been one of the favorite things I have owned!  It is PERFECT for washi tape and individual ephemera pieces to use in your journal or Bible! 

What is ephemra you ask?  Ahh... little die cuts like these from Illustrated Faith, that's what!  They are little journaling accents that you can add to spruce up any page in your journal or Bible! 
Other places to check out include: scrapbook online stores and paper craft online stores.  

This is the cart I got from IKEA about 4 years ago.  I call it my Washi Cart.  It is PERFECT for housing my paper, tape rollers, journal cards, pens, highlighters, markers, washi tape, decorative paper packs, stickers, and other fun journaling supplies.  It is fairly inexpensive and can be shipped directly to your home!  You can get them other places too - but I like my trusting cart on wheels!   I call this cart, "My Creative Headquarters."

These are my favorite pens.  I love the assortment of colors they come in (except black, I don't like the black ones for some reason and I give those ones to Chloe!).  They are inexpensive and write REALLY well (in my humble opinion.)  :) 

These are my favorite markers and I find that there DO NOT bleed through tremendously horrible in your journal and Bible! Actually - ANY ultra fine tip markers are a fav of mine!

I also LOVE these 2-sided marker pens from Hobby Lobby.  They are a little pricey, but I LOVE the way they write and their dual usage for eloquent calligraphy writing!  Remember to use your 40% off coupon to purchase things like this that rarely go on discount.

This is the bag (I LOVE Steve Madden brand!). I use almost exclusively for when I am packing to do a Bible study with friends or away from home (coffee shops mainly - duh!)  ;)   I pack this baby with my 2 main Bibles, my prayer journal, my quiet time journal, my sermon notes journal (if I am going to watch an online sermon), my wash rings (or at least one of the bigger ones) and my cute little pen case I purchased at a craft show a couple years ago filled with highlighters and pens.

This is the backpack that I have been loving since returning home from California (mine is simply all gray though).  I bought it at Dick's there in Redding (where Chloe lives and goes to school at Bethel) and I LOVE it.  I use it mainly for larger books and binders, and my laptop.  It has GREAT pockets and is extremely durable!  I also plan to use it when I go hiking this summer! 


Here are some books that have changed my life.  Books that I have read more than once.  Didn't want to overwhelm, so I am only listing that few that I have loved loved loved!
This one was the first book that impacted me to ACTION - thus the development of my ministry, Inspire Ministries
This one I did in a small group setting twice about radical forgiveness.  A MUST read for anyone who struggles with forgiveness and grace of any kind! 
This one was one I read early in my ministry life and it had a large impact on the way I prayed more radically! 
This one I read a couple times.  All about pursuing growth through trials, challenges, and disappointments.  And who couldn't use this topic??  I intend to go through this with my ministry leadership team soon! 

This book is a MUST have for those who are word-nerds like myself and want a more detailed look into the meanings of words.  This dictionary is a direct translation from the original King James version text and it is simply DIVINE!  :)


This is the first in-depth Bible study I ever did and it is very rich and powerful!  If you want to get through the book of Luke in a challenging way - get this one!

This is another great Beth Moore study.  It goes SO MUCH in to depth about the life of David.  Oh to be like David... a person after God's own heart!!!  <3 

This was a great study we did many years ago!  I loved reading more about the life of Jonah and that through our simple acts of obedience God can use us in radically powerful ways!

This was a fun light-hearted study we did a couple years ago.  A simple challenge to see the lovely in every day miracles of God!  GREAT one to do with a small group!

This might be my favorite study we ever did through our ministry team!  It was fantastically challenging as it talks about the power of transformed speech!!  Oh so many of us need this.  In fact, I need to go back through it again!

I have been asked a LOT about the Christian jewelry that I wear.  It MOSTLY comes from this Etsy shop online.  She is FABULOUS and also has an instagram account, where she shares deals of the day frequently!!  Seriously... check her out!

Hope you enjoyed this list!  Happy Journaling!  Praying you seek Jesus with everything you have!



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