Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Teach // Announce // Heal

LOVE the revelations of God in scripture. And all you're really seeing is an overflow of my quiet time!

Matthew 4:23 says this, "Jesus traveled throughout the region of Galilee teaching in the synagogues, and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And He healed every kind of disease and illness."

What did Jesus do?


And then take a look at what the Gospel's tell us in John that Jesus said to His students before He ascended to be with the Father.

"Verily, verily... the works that I do shall He do also; and greater works than these shall He do..." (John 14:12).

In other words... because of the work of the Holy Spirit living within every believer, we shall do greater works than Him. Jesus.

Don't confuse that these will be "better" or "more significant", but it simply means our reach will be broader; our effectiveness in masses will be more influential.

And I'm on this hunt to know exactly... what is it that Jesus is doing. What is it that He's saying? Because we know this about the Jesus... He was 100% about what the Father was saying and doing... (John 12:49; John 5:19).

And so I must... say only what He is saying and do only what He is doing.

And what is it here that Jesus is saying? Doing?


And so must I.

The assignment isn't easy - but it is possible.

Because Jesus said, "Greater works will YOU do!"

Go out today with confidence in your assignment.

He's give clear instruction and He's made the way possible!

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