Monday, July 29, 2019

It May Be Time To Replant

Psst Friend...

Do you find yourself in an uncomfortable season? A season of uncertainty? A season of shifting? A season of change?

I get it.
More than you know.
Me too.

And yet God is always working in ways to reveal to me a different part of His nature. And opening up His Word always draws me back to my purpose and His original design.

Matthew 15:13 is Jesus talking. He is responding to His disciples who've just asked Him, "Do you realize You offended the Pharisees by what You just said?" (vs 12). Jesus responds, in part, with this, "Every plant not planted by My heavenly Father will be uprooted."

And so, for me, it begged the question... "Am I am product of God's planting?" "How can I be sure?"

And I think part of the answer to that question is surrender.
"Am I surrendered to His plan and purpose?" "Am I yielded to His outcome despite my predictions for what I expected things to be like?"

I am continuing to learn that being rightly planted by God means having complete trust in His timing, His process, and His method.

I remember the morning I read it from the Passion Translation. It was in the middle of a hard season of waiting, and a difficult time of self evaluating a situation I was unnecessarily taking blame for, when I saw it - Psalm 108:6, "Come to Your beloved ones and gently draw us out."

Maybe it wasn't their leaving.
Maybe it wasn't my losing.

Maybe it was Him drawing me out all along.
Maybe it was for my protection and my growth.

And maybe it is for you too.

Maybe it's the same here... today. A necessary replanting.
Because it's just like the plant that cannot remain in the same pot forever.
In an effort to grow larger and taller and more full, it must be replanted. It must be transplanted to a more suitable soil. It must be uprooted and transferred to a more conducive environment if your desire is for a more expansive harvest.

Oh there's so much more He wants to say!
There's so much more He wants to do!
There's so many more ways He wants to use you!

And it's going to require our yes. It's going to require a surrendered spirit. It's going to require our authorization to be replanted.

It's time!

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