I felt it within me when I was praying the other day. And I have adopted it as one of my big prayers as of late.
Keep me captivated by Your grace, God.
Because the bottom line really is that we so often lack proper reverence for the Lord.
We love Him yes. But do we burn for Him?
Do we regard Him as holy and supremely divine?
Perhaps the reason we fear as often as we do is because we have lost our awe and wonder for how BIG a God He truly is. Maybe the reason we feel such anxiety and dread is because somewhere along the way we've lost our adoration and fervor for the One who paid the highest price to set us free.
Because on more occasions we have missed the mark when it comes to living in freedom.
By our words and by our ways we have granted ourselves permission to partner with the enemy, thus highlighting the work of evil.
We allow ourselves to collaborate with darkness by refusing to honor other people, by denying forgiveness to those who've hurt us, by rejecting those who don't think like we do. We remain entangled with shadows of despair when we allow comments to leave our mouths. When we insist on saying things like, "This isn't fair!", "Of course this would happen to me!", "I'm so scared!", "I'm so sick of people!"
Bill Johnson of Bethel Church says this, "The enemy only gets authority when I enter into partnership with what he says."
Oh and that, friends, should stop us dead in our tracks.
Oh God, that You would keep me in constant reverence of You. That I would not forget how big and awesome and wonderful You are!
May I never forget to remain CAPTIVATED by Your grace.
Because when I'm laser focused on Your heart and Your hand, I cannot be distracted by the enemey's hate and hostility.
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