For some time now I have been really focused on a new way to approach the questions I have for God.
Because what I have come to learn in this life is that often the "why" question isn't answered.
I've tried asking it.
"God, why is this happening?
"God, why did this happen?"
And sometimes it's simply not for me to know.
Scripture tells us that His ways are not our ways. And that, "God’s ways are as mysterious as the pathway of the wind and as the manner in which a human spirit is infused into the little body of a baby while it is yet in its mother’s womb." (Eccl 11:5, TLB)
Mark 4 tells the story of the disciples in the boat during a storm with a sleeping Jesus. After they awoke Him and He calmed the winds and waves they responded with terrified spirits and asked each other, "Who is this man? Even the winds and waves obey Him." Mark 4:41.
In looking at the storm they were filled with fear.
And I, too, recognize within myself this same sort of dread and discomfort when I look to the mounting circumstances surrounding my life.
Ahh... but believers are to look for storms, as scripture tells us they are inevitable. John 6:33 says, "In this life you WILL have trouble...."
But perhaps in our looking for the storms we can do so only for the discovery of solutions. A solution where regardless of the outcome I am saying yes. Regardless of my knowledge of why, I can move forward by asking, "God even though I don't understand, I don't need to understand... but will You make my role in Your redemptiveness clear?"
The disciples were exposed to the storm, but not at the expense of Jesus' departure. They had Him in the vessel with them the entire time.
And I see it clearly now... that when the students of Jesus focused on the problem they saw only the pain it was producing and not the fruit He was looking to develop in them. Once they shifted their eyes to the Problem-Solver, their perspective was re-calibrated and they came out of the trial with an increased awareness of who this Jesus was, and possessed an increased admiration of Him.
And so I can seek with a new objective starting today: God what are You doing? How are You working? Where are You working? And because I know the ambition of Your heart is always the increase of my faith and the manifestation of my commitment, make clear my role in Your work. I am a co-laborer this side of eternity and I don't want to miss an opportunity to multiply the improvement of my heart and my effectiveness for Your kingdom!
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