One of the first questions that runs through my mind when someone tells me that they're struggling in their relationships with other people, or when they communicate their sadness over the reality that "Nobody ever calls to check in on me", or "I don't have good friends like that", is always this: How are YOU loving others?
Because I know it to be true in my own life.
When the well is running dry, it can typically be traced back to a laziness in effort on my part.
The Apostle Paul is one of my great heroes in the faith. I love Paul. And for many reasons. Paul knew radical forgiveness. Paul understood God's power verses his human frailty. And Paul's greatest desire was to impart wisdom and grace to everyone he came into contact with.
One of my favorite quotes of Paul can be found Phil 1:23-24, "I’m torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me. But for your sakes, it is better that I continue to live."
What is he saying here?
"Even though, for my own sake, I long to go and be with my Lord, there is work yet to be done. And so FOR YOUR SAKE I will remain among you. Teaching you and training you up for spiritual advancement."
Paul had suffered a great deal for the people of Philippi, and fought hard for the establishment of Christian values and godly character. He had been a prisoner in Rome and faced extreme martyrdom at the hands of those who refused the great message of Jesus. And even though he was weary in running his race, he was determined to see it to the end. His readiness, willingness, eagerness, and steadfast determination are to be admired among us today.
And then I read something in my commentary that has stuck with me for days.
In view of Paul's exhortation to the church in Philippi the commentator said this, "This Epistle was addressed by the Apostle Paul to a church which he tenderly loved and for whose prosperity he constantly prayed."
And I couldn't move from those words.
Because I was struck by my own disregard, often, to the full wholeheartedness to the "others" God radically loves.
And I wonder how better our world would look if we made not only the conscious effort but the brave determination to really love well those God has placed in our lives.
Because those relationships have been assigned to us with great purpose. We have been entrusted to them with the duty of loving well regardless of the cost.
It really has begged the question of myself, and it should for all of us pursuing Jesus and who's aim it is to bring heaven to earth: For what and to whom am I tenderly loving and constantly praying?
There's someone right now in your own life who, by the unselfishness of your love and the commitment to God's amazing grace, is finding Jesus for themselves and lives are forever being changed as a result of your sacrifice.
Let's be Paul's this side of eternity!
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