Friday, December 6, 2019

Seek FIRST His Kingdom

Matthew 6:33 remains one of my favorite passages in scripture.  It says this, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.”

I read a story about a man who was caricature artist.  He was talking about his profession and he said this, “Never draw a caricature.  By the long practice of it I have lost the enjoyment of beauty.”  He went on to say, “By constantly looking at the dark, altered side of their life - it’s distorted and unpleasant aspect - I lose the power to appreciate the blessings which are theirs.  I never see a face but distorted.”

Reading this story reminded me of so many who willingly choose to see only the distorted side of life.

I was with someone recently who could say nothing positive in our entire conversation.  Every single thing that left the mouth of my companion was harsh and crude and, quite honestly, painful to me, the listener.  At one point I was tempted to say, “Can you not even think of ONE good thing to say?”

And the truth really is that so many times that’s me.
We can get so easily tangled up in negativity that it swallows us right up whole!  And before we know it, or even realize it, we are in the pit of despair.

And what’s happening when we insist on speaking poorly about our circumstances?  We’ve failed to SEEK FIRST the kingdom and His righteousness.

And look at what we’re missing when we do!  “All these things added” to us!  (all our needs, according to verses 31-32.)

So many find themselves in cycles of defeat stemming from the perspectives they keep and the words they speak that are only a reflection of what’s really in the heart.

Forecasting sorrow, affliction, and difficulty does so much more irreparable damage than we realize.  Anticipating hardship:
1.) causes us to forget our present and past blessings.
2.) makes us unfit for the present day’s duties.
3.) gives us practical denial of Christianity.
4.) has a profound saddening affect on others in our presence.
5.) keeps us in a manner of constant “suspicion” for all that lies ahead.

You and I have been given an assignment, and that is to seek FIRST and FOREMOST the kingdom of God.  And when we do this we can be sure that the temptation to foresee and foretell of impending doom will be removed. 

Show me someone who remains in the constant pattern of destructive speech and deliberate expectancy of future misfortune and misery, and I will show you someone who has abandoned the order of seeking first God’s kingdom.

And the result is far too dangerous.  The assignment is too precious.
He has more for us than we could ever dare to dream or imagine for ourselves, but will withhold to those who cannot see the goodness and His faithfulness in all things.

Forecasting affliction makes us unsuitable for the assignment.

Seek first.  Seek primarily.  Seek with great passion and determination… His Kingdom.

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