Friday, January 24, 2020

You've Never Been This Way Before

And I wonder about it often… because the paths He’s taken me over the last few years have been anything but predictable.  In fact, they seemed to appear as setbacks at first.  Discouragements at times.  Derailments even.  And more times than I can count I have silently uttered the question in my heart, “What are You doing here, God?”

And yet, in His kindness, He prepares us in advance for all that we’ll ever face.  His Presence goes before us - to the places we’ve yet to trod our feet upon - and makes what seems impassible… possible.

It would be a bright sunny day in early May nearly 2 years ago when I’d come across it almost accidentally.  In my effort to feel His Presence more tangibly, and commune with Him more deeply, I would retreat to one of my favorite parks in a city nearby my hometown.  Sitting in the grass on the breezy spring day, I’d open my bible and the wind, catching it just right, would unveil the story that would continue it’s ripple effect in my life almost 22 months later!

Joshua 3.
One of the most powerful stories in all of the Old Testament.

A warrior.
The successor to Moses.
Charged with the task of leading the Israelites into the Promise Land.

And he would find himself relaying to his people through his officers the very same message God was conveying to him, “Since you have never been this way before, they will guide you.”  (Josh 3:4)

And it would leap from the pages this week just as much, if not more, as it did then.  “You’ve never traveled this way before.” 
This is new territory.
And you’re going to need new strength.
The old has gone and the new has come.
What carried you through the last season, won’t carry you into this new one. 
You’re going to need new strength and what’s going to be required will be new obedience.

You’ve never traveled this way before.

And I would whisper it to a friend facing insurmountable challenges this week.  Mountains that seem impossible to climb.
I would tell her these words that my heart is still learning to embrace:
“He allows things because He trusts us and He enables us with His strength because He entrusts us with it.  The question is now: ‘Okay God, this is hard, what do I do with it?’  He’s taking you into new territory.  A place you’ve never been before... so He can do the work that’s never been done before.  He’s trusting the character He’s established within you to take the people you have influence over to go where they need to go!  Oh that we would count it joy to be used in this way for Him!  He’s guiding you!  And goes before! He makes your difficulties stepping-stones to glory!  His glory!  We are never truly in danger when we can see Him!  Keep beholding His face!”

The Ark was positioned in front of the people, representing the Lord’s Presence.  And when it moved… they were to move.  But it was going to require a “beholding” on their part.  They were going to have to keep the Ark (Presence) in full view in order to be accurately guided into the Promise.


Because they’d never been that way before.

New territory requires new strength and that strength in found in Him alone.

In this new year I encourage you to joyfully accept the challenge to enter into new places with Him.  Count it a privilege and an honor that He not only chooses to co-labor with you to fulfill His purposes in the earth,  but that He graciously gives us opportunities in which to give Him more glory.

You’ve never been this way before.
But know that where He’s calling you to holds in it a promise for presence… if you keep beholding His face and do not grow weary or lose heart in the process.

He’s crazy, madly, deeply in love with you and He’s beckoning you from the distance, “Come, child, trust Me, it’s beautiful here where I am.”

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