Sunday, February 16, 2020

Many Will Not Look At Him... But They Will Look At You

I love 2 Corinthians 3:18, that says this, “So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image.”

My commentary suggests that Christians are represented not as persons looking INTO a mirror, but as themselves the mirror. That those who surrender their souls to the influence of Jesus… those who seek authentic imitation of Christ… are the ones who reflect His glory in the earth. It is as though the image of a person who gazes into a mirror isn't simply reflecting for the moment that which it sees, but that the image, itself, is permanently stamped upon it.

This can be understood more of as beholding. By definition the word means this = “to observe; to look at; see.” Other meanings are “to regard, to view”, and this… to “gaze upon.”

We saw it in the life of Moses. One who earnestly spent time “beholding” his Lord. The one who did more than look in His direction… the one who took time “gazing upon” His form. One who was familiar with His works and His ways. One who’s very countenance was changed as He descended from His secret mountain moments with the God of the universe.

And I wonder if I can be a mirror to God… reflecting more and more permanently His image until I, too, look as Moses did… radiating with His beauty? (Ex 34:29)

When I spend time with Him… speaking to Him… crying out to Him… communing with Him… engaging with Him… I naturally reflect His person in my own.

My commentary says this, “It is by a series of impressions that His image becomes fixed in us.”

And so it is the returning to Him. Over and over again.
And it is these series of impressions I desire to have fixed in me:
time spent on my knees in prayer.
deep-seated devotion.
a relentless pursuit of King Jesus.

And the more I behold Him… the more His image gets fixed in me… and the more Jesus gets accurately represented in the earth.

Many will not look at Him… but they will look at you.
By their notice of your face will the real Jesus get revealed… the One who died for their rescue and redemption?

Oh that we would be aware of how ridiculously important it is that we continue to behold His face, so that we can embody and exemplify His nature to all we encounter.

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