Wednesday, April 8, 2020

He Has Never Left Us Without Evidence of Himself

And sometimes… just like that… in the middle of hard text, comes a promise that contains the precise encouragement your heart needs to hear.

The story is of Paul and Barnabas found in Acts 14.

While these apostles were at Lystra, they came upon a man who had been crippled since birth in his feet. The man who had been listening intently to the preaching words of Paul, exhibited a great deal of faith and because of this Paul called to him to stand and the man was instantly healed. (14:8-10)

But the unbelieving onlookers of the crowd made false assumptions of these men, calling them, “gods in human form.” (vs 11) And because of their ignorance and disbelief, they prepared sacrifices to be made to the apostles (vs 13)

Upon hearing this, Paul and Barnabas tore their clothes in dismay, begging the crowd of people to stop at once. Their claim was that they were, “merely humans” who had, “come to bring the Gospel message” to them, so that they would, “turn from these worthless things, and to the living God.” (vss 14-15)

They remind the people here that in the past God permitted all nations to go their own way, but that, “He never left them without evidence of Himself and His goodness.” (vs 17) They even go on to give them an example as proof, “For instance, He sends you rain and good crops and gives you food and joyful hearts.” (vs 17b)

You may know the rest of the story.
They barely restrained the people from sacrificing to them.
Some Jews won the crowds to their side.
They stoned Paul and dragged him out of the town thinking he was dead.
But this served only as a strengthening agent to the apostles.
They even returned to the very geographical region to continue their message of hope.

I love verse 17.
“He never left them without evidence of Himself and His goodness.”

And the message comes to the people in the middle of personal crises and confusion for many who continued in oppressive thinking, sinful ways, and misdirected idolatry. In their mess they became filled with distrust and suspicion which increased their irrational mindsets and rebellious behavior.

But smack dab in the thick of it all the followers of Jesus remind them of the goodness of God. The One who never left them without evidence of Himself.

And so in our crisis.. in our time of national upset by means of a devastating illness sweeping the country, we, too, can stop and look around at all the evidence of His mercy and grace.

We can count the ways He has always been kind.
We can look at the ways He continues to be gracious.
We can look for the ways He will extend His mercy.

Oh friends… He has NEVER left us without evidence of Himself and His goodness.
Not for one moment has He refused us access to His mercy and forgiveness.

Look around!
Find the good!
See the ways in which He has always been faithful.
And then begin declaring them over your current condition.

He has always been good.
It’s not just what He does - it’s who He is!

Prophesy the things that bring hope and encouragement.
Command the dry bones to live! “Come, O breath, from the four winds! Breathe into these dead bodies so they may live again.” (Ez 37:9)

Remind yourselves of all the times He has been faithful, and in the very testimony of His goodness we are demonstrating our belief that He, too, can do it again!

He is the same today as He was then and the same One He will be tomorrow.

He has never left us without evidence of Himself and His goodness… perhaps we’ve simply stopped looking… or worse yet… stopped believing for the manifestation of it.

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