Tuesday, April 28, 2020

His Awakening Is Our Awakening!

The day was July 10, 2019, and I wrote it in my "Words" Journal so that I would remember.
I had woken up really early to a God prompting that morning. A stirring in my spirit that I couldn't shake. And I would, almost feverishly, write it down, "Awaken my people."

I wasn't sure what that meant, but I knew it was from the Lord, and I KNEW I had to capture all He was saying.

As it turned out, He led me to a VERY familiar story in the New Testament. Mark 4:35-41.

And because my mind words best in compartmentalized thoughts, here we have it:
A storm.
Jesus sleeping.
Disciples wake Him up.
Students are scared of drowning.
Jesus awakens.

Notice this: His first duty was to rebuke the storm.
Couple questions to wrestle with:
1.) If He was the author of the great storm, why would He need to rebuke it?
2.) Why does He choose to first settle the waves before addressing the unnecessary fear of the students?

Also note this... verse 39. I didn't really notice it until this week. Jesus says, "Silence! Be still!" and scripture tells us that, "... suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm."

SUDDENLY the winds obeyed Him and stopped roaring. (Even they can obey and stop when Jesus says enough is enough. If winds can do that, why can't we?)

And the next thing I see is "there was a great calm."
He didn't just REMOVE the winds, He added a calmness to the atmosphere. Ahh... isn't that just like our Jesus to go BEYOND our wants and needs? Stopping the storm would have been enough, but He adds to it an element of calm. (Note: Calm means this = without rough motion, free from disturbance, peaceful.)

Notice next: His second duty was to question the faith of His men. He asks them, and He asks us today, "Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
His call to His students was to AWAKEN.

I had wrote it along with my note on July 10, "Faith slumbers, but is not dead."

People just need to be awakened!

Their hearts just need to be awakened to the fact that He has been here all along. He has never left.

I would also write this, "His awakening is our awakening!"

Verse 41 says that the disciples were absolutely terrified. And they began to question each other, "WHO is this man? Even the winds and waves obey Him!"

Once Jesus was awakened in the storm - the hearts of these men and their spiritually closed eyes were AWAKENED.

Oh it is my prayer - that we would awaken! AWAKEN!

His awakening is ours and it's time to RISE!!

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