Wednesday, April 29, 2020

There Is A Wall Of Fire Around Me

Zechariah is such a powerful book, and one that is so necessary for us to get in us, especially at this time of great uncertainty.

Following the return of the exiles from Babylon, and following the destruction of the first temple of the Lord built by King Solomon, Zechariah, who served as both a prophet and a priest, was called to awaken the people for spiritual renewal. His job was to bring an awareness of the power of God and to prepare the people for proper worship once the building project was complete. God’s plan to do good and be a manifest presence to the Jews was contingent upon their obedience, as they had retracted into moral sin, passive rebellion and spiritual apathy.

What I love about chapter 2 is it’s title, first and foremost. In my Bible it says, “Future Prosperity of Jerusalem”, and in it are promises to claim from God.

One of these is found in Zechariah 2:5, “‘Then I, myself, will be a protective wall of fire around Jerusalem’, says the Lord. ‘And I will be the glory inside the city.’”

a wall of fire around the city.
glory inside the city.

The people had a job to do and that was to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem that had lied in ruins for nearly 20 years. The people had a difficulty before them in the task because they had small resources and many adversaries, but God’s primary focus for them was the returning of hearts to Him, full and complete restoration, and individual holiness.

And while He was walling in the city by fire, He was also igniting the fire of His glory inside the hearts of His people.

There is a promise that God would be a wall of fire around the city.
But it was also appointed to be around the individual as well.
And my commentary says that this fire of protection was to continue only by us staying INSIDE the walls of protection and trusting it fully. If faith begins to dwindle, then the fire begins to extinguish, allowing evil of any kind to get across the embers laying low.

We “stay inside” by “staying close” to Jesus. It’s the only way.

There is also a promise that God would be a glory in the midst of us.
This was the inward illumination of God’s manifest presence in an individual.
The only way you and I can be a light to the world, is by having the light inside of us. The light of Jesus and His presence in our lives.

And that light shines through in everything we do and everything we say. Every decision we make, every conversation we have, every victory we claim in the midst of crisis!

My commentary suggest that, “for each of us, the secret of joy, of purity, and of knowledge, is that we are holding close communion with God.”

There is a wall of fire around me.
This is for my protection - but there’s more!

What does fire do?
It warms, it gives light, it attracts because of it’s brightness, it repels harmful substances.
Look at the definition of fire = “heat and light, emanating viability and perceptibility; light, luster, and splendor.”


There is a wall of fire around me.
But I must stay inside and trust it.
My only protection is making sure it stays ablaze or else evil sneaks in and attacks.
The fire will continue as long as I am keeping near to Jesus.

Look at Leviticus 6:12 that tells us that while it was God’s job to start the fire, it was the priests job to “keep it burning.”

There is a promise of fire around me, and this is good news, friends!

Such… good… news for those who stay inside!

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