Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Tell Me What God Is Doing??

I was talking to one of my dear friends last week on the PHONE.

I emphasize the word PHONE because doesn't it seem rare to actually SPEAK to someone on the phone as opposed to texting with someone?

It seems that it has become our norm.
Texting is easier.
It's simpler.
It's faster.
And sometimes, it really is most efficient. And necessary.

But phone conversations have become so necessary too.

When I was talking with my friend I found myself asking her a question.
And it wasn't because I was "checking a box" off of my friendly to-do list. I wasn't looking to be asked the question in return.

I simply wanted to know.

Because I think we are living in a season where God is doing an awful lot of talking. I think He's moving in a way we've never seen Him move in our lifetime, and I think it's important to know what He's saying to others we trust and love.

And so I asked her... "Tell me what God is doing!"

What did I mean when I asked her this?
I meant - tell me, friend, what is God doing in your life? How has He been speaking to you?
What are the good things you are seeing happen in your life?
Tell me where He's moving... what you're learning... how He's growing you... and what action you and He are engaging with together in this season?

It was a big question, I know.
And it sort of caught her off guard.
But then our conversation - all about what we are seeing God do in the earth and in our lives - turned out to be an hour long conversation.

Honestly, I wasn't ready to hang up the phone and say goodbye.

Because those are conversations I think I could have ALL day EVERY day.

I heard it said by a pastor I highly respect one time... "Angels are attracted to your view of God."

He went on to say, "If you want to attract the angelic into your life... if you want to shift atmosphere's for heaven, simply vocally engage with other believers."

It's the power of our voice.
The power of our conversations that bring His world to our world until our world begins to look like His!

It's living out the prayer... "Thy Kingdom COME, They will be DONE, on EARTH AS IT IS in HEAVEN."

And so the more I gave thought to this I decided to make it my goal this year - to ask this question of others more. Those I love and those who God has entrusted me to care for.
What is God doing?
And not only will I be asking it, I hope to get to answer it too!

If we want to live like Jesus, we must begin investing with His greatest asset - people whom He radically loved and died for!

Will you join me in asking this of yourself and of others this year??

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