Thursday, December 21, 2017

Find Your People!

I was with a friend for a short time yesterday who is such a JOY to be around.  Not just because she's joyful - she IS!  Not just because she is enthusiastic - she IS!  Not just because she is strong and faithful and smart and fun - she IS all of these things.  No… the number one reason I love being around her so much is for her ability to SEE my potential and SPEAK LIFE into these dry bones!

I thought about it this morning as I was reading through 1 Samuel, chapter 25.

A woman by the name of Abigail, married to a bad man named Nabal, and would become an important role in the life of David.  In Nabal’s time of provision, David and his men would come to his aid, however, when the tables were turned and David was in need, Nabal forgot about David and refused him help.  Enraged by this, and maintaining a spirit of fighting so traditionally known to this man after God’s own heart, David ordered his men to get their swords and prepare for battle.

Ahh.. but Abigail. 

In a quick and witty act of humility, Abigail risked her life by attending to the needs of David and his men herself, personally atoning for the sins of her husband, to spare them of certain trouble.  But what I love the most is found in verses 30 and 31, that tell us these words spoken from a determined woman, “When then Lord has done all He has promised and has made you leader of Israel, don't let this be a blemish on your record.”

Two things strike me here: “WHEN the Lord has done it.”  Ah - the confidence she had in the Lord to DO what He said He would do.
And the other: “Don’t let this be a blemish on your record.”

I don’t know for sure, but I can assume that Abigail believed in the would-be-King’s potential.  She knew that this involvement with Nabal would not be worth the risk of losing any amount of his reputation.  And she was willing to remind David WHO He was and to WHOM He belonged.

I think if we can look around and find in our own lives at least a few people like this - we are BLESSED beyond words!

Because we all need encouragers.  We all need people who see past our problems and point to our potential.  We all need people in our corner who are willing to risk their own comfort to ensure that we don’t risk our own calling.  Those who love us enough to see that our worth is so much greater than we could ever see on our own.

Surround yourself with people who promote your potential. 

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