Saturday, December 30, 2017

Wisdom In Hesitancy

Have you ever said something you wished you could take back?

I have.

Have you ever hit send on a text message or a Facebook post a little prematurely?

I have.

And it never feels good.

I have been reactionary in far too many situations over the course of my life.  And it doesn't have to be that way.

I was having a great conversation with a friend recently and I was telling her how much I admire her ability to “process”.  It’s a gift, really.  And it’s the same reaction that sometimes makes me a tad bit frustrated when a quick decision must be made, that is the one that I appreciate when it I can see it’s fruitful affect from Christlike character.

Because being reactionary is dangerous.
Being reactionary is disrespectful.
Being reactionary is selfish.
Being reactionary is evidence of unripe fruit.

Oh how I pray to be more of a processor in the coming year.
Thinking before I speak.

In fact… there’s an acronym that resides on the message board just above my office desk that reads THINK before you speak.  Is it True, Is it Helpful, Is it Inspiring, Is it Necessary, and Is it Kind?

Let’s put a ourselves on pause the next time we are tempted to let the arrow fly.  The damage from our reaction might be painful… to us and to them.  And I can guarantee that it’s never worth it in the end.

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