Friday, February 23, 2018

God Will Not Repair... But Recreate!

I hadn’t read the words in quite a while… the words I’d penned into my journal in early 2017.

“God will not repair, but He will recreate!”

It was the reading about dry bones and the prophet’s command to breathe new life into them.  Ezekiel 37:9b-10, “… breathe into these dead bodies so they may live again…. they all came to life and stood up on their feet - a great army!”


And I remember when I first read those words.  Such rich, encouraging words of scripture.

Because one look around and we can all admit that we are, here and now, standing in the valley of dry bones.  We are living witnesses to the dry and withered souls amidst a dry and barren land.

Oh how in need we are of breath…. newness of life!

And the bible talks about that a lot… the word new…..

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a NEW person. The old life is gone; a NEW life has begun!”  (1 Cor 5:17)

“Sing a NEW song to the Lord, for he has done wonderful deeds.”  (Ps 98:1)

“‘The day is coming,’ says the Lord, ‘when I will make a NEW covenant with the people of Israel and Judah.’”  (Jer 31:31)

“…and just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live NEW lives.”  (Rom 6:4)

“…what counts is whether we have been transformed into a NEW creation.”  (Gal 6:15)

Ahh….  I suspect there’s something in that word… NEW.

And quite possibly our expectations have been considerably too low.  We’re asking God to mend fences, when in reality He longs to build a new city! 

We’re asking only that we be repaired.

And a glance at the definition for repair is this… “to remedy, remodel, patch, fix.”

But a look at a different word might bring more surprisingly clarity.


Recreate…. “to create anew; remake”…. ahh… BREATHE NEW LIFE INTO.


And I want that!

I need the breathing in of NEW life into these dry bones.

You too??

God will not repair… but He will recreate!

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