Saturday, May 19, 2018

Daily Declarations, # 9

The words we say matter. And what you say to yourself daily matters more than you think! There is power in your vocabulary! That's why we must begin declaring the promises and purposes over our lives!

Psalm 35:27 says, "... Let them continually say, 'Great is the Lord, who delights in blessing His servant with peace!'"

One of the things I want other people to see in my life is peace.

Peace is defined as, "A state of tranquility, freedom from disturbance or agitation, freedom from hostility and retaliation, harmony."

I think it serves us well to strive for more peace in our lives, because I think it's when we are in a peaceful disposition that Christ can be most accurately seen and felt and experienced.

There's just something wonderful about a peaceful person. One who is not rushed or worried or filled with anger and hostility. There's just something that preserves our witness when we are able to demonstrate a calmness, especially in the midst of a storm.

Because people are watching. They're paying attention to us and how we behave under challenging times, and we have a godly reputation to uphold... one that highlights the great benefits of following Jesus.

And so we daily declare: I am God's servant and He takes pleasure in my prosperity of peace.

Daily Declarations
#inspire #inspireministries #dailydeclarations #speakingwordsoflife #scripture #bible

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