Thursday, May 2, 2019

He Will Not Leave Us In Our Mess

I read it this morning. Hebrews 12, verse 6, "For the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He punishes each one He accepts as His child."

And sometimes that doesn't always feel good.

But discipline is always for our good.

He loves us so much, that He will not allow us to abide in the lower parts of our nature. He will not allow us to wallow in what we were meant to be victorious over!

He is always, always, always calling us higher.

It's truly an invitation to partake in His holiness when we are allowed to encounter difficulties and endure hardship via chastisement.

Troubles and trials are often the means by which the Lord molds us and fashions us for greater things and higher purposes.

I love Isaiah 43:2 that says, "WHEN you go through deep waters, I will be with you."

When. Because it is assured we will.
And trouble... it leads us into a special level of His presence.

Punishment can be viewed as provision.
Because He longs for so much more from you

You are not ordinary. You are extraordinary. You are His. And He will not let you suffer in the weightiness of sin without first offering a way out.

God will find us in our mess, but He's not in the business of leaving us there.

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