Today my thought is this... may we wake up with the mindset - What will God and I accomplish together today?
Now of course we know who the real true power comes from. It's God. He is the only one who can change hearts and cause mountains to move... but we are responsible to pray. And I believe pray for the impossibilities!
It has been my habit to wake up with a renewed mindset every single day. To believe that the past in the past. I can no longer change what happened yesterday - but I CAN decide what happens today and what attitude I will possess as I move forward.
Today is a new day.
And so I am developing the habit of an enlightened, regenerated mind. Asking myself - what will Jesus and I accomplish together today?
Ask yourself this, "What does my prayer life reveal about the heart of God? What part of His nature would be revealed by what I spend my time praying about?"
People are desperate to see the real God revealed. And many don't even know it. People deserve to be given an opportunity to see God's nature revealed in the heart and lives of His people. We owe others an encounter with the living and breathing God. The God we have become aware of through His Word and through His touch.
And it becomes the reason why it's so important to know His nature for ourselves. What was He like? How did He move? What did He say?
I make it point as often as I can to share with others how I am praying for them. I ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to me what to pray for them specifically about and then I share it with them. Why? Because when they begin to see breakthrough in the area of their lives we've prayed for them in, faith is strengthened and increased. They begin to get acquainted with the God that we know for themselves. And they are encouraged to believe in brand new ways... for impossibilities... that may otherwise go unnoticed.
So - let's begin asking ourselves, "What does my prayer life reveal about the heart of God and the nature of God? How am I presenting Him in all of His goodness to the world around me?"
It really REALLY matters!
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