Friday, May 31, 2019

Wait. Trust. Submit.

I just absolutely love how the Lord shows up in my quiet time in the morning and speaks to my rather practical heart.

My reading this morning was in Zechariah 2:13. I love the Old Testament!

The verse says this, "Be silent before the Lord, all humanity, for He is springing into action from His holy dwelling." (NLT)

Don't you, first off, love this? The verbiage is phenomenal to me! He is, "springing into action".

The Message says it this way, "Quiet everyone! Shhh! Silence before the Lord. Somethings afoot in His holy house. He's on the move."

I can't help but begin to sing the line of that song so many of us sing along in our cars, "God is on the move, on the move, hallelujah!" 

Here, in scripture, was a time when God seemed long silent. A time when His absence was genuinely felt by His people. The Jews had been believing that they must live without "the Face" (Hebrew word for before) as their permanent reality.

And how many of us feel this same way sometimes?

Like God has left.

Like the Presence has been removed.

Times when we can no longer feel the overwhelming sense of His Spirit?

I know, for a fact, that I have gone through those seasons where God seemed silent.

And yet I wonder if this, too, is part of His Divine plan?

Because from my own personal experience I believe God is silent for a couple different reasons:
1.) He's developing new levels of trust and faith in us.
2.) He's already spoken and currently awaiting our obedience to what He's already said.

The address here is for 2 classifications of people.
Gentiles - who prided themselves on their own power.
(ahh - new levels of trust and faith?)
Unbelieving Jews - who distrusted God's promises as incredible.
(yes - He had already spoken and was waiting on the fresh obedience to that which He had already spoken?)

God is said to be raised up among those who get up, stand eager and ready to receive, and set out for that which they CAN do. And here we find Him already working. So readiness of willing hearers is evident here. At least that seems to be the implication.

The question becomes... are we ready to receive? Are we prepared for the answer He brings? Do we stand able to bear up under the blessing He wants to pour out?

My word for the year is WATCH. I chose it for many reasons (no... God chose it for me, rather), but specifically I believe this is my word following a tough season of waiting. I am believing this, now, is a time when I am to stand and WATCH the Lord work.

But that doesn't mean there's still not waiting yet to do.

My commentary says, "God is about to do something unexpected, and very surprising, and to plead His people's cause, which had long seemed neglected. Silently submit to His holy will, and patiently wait the event; assured that God will complete all His work."

And so I wrote it down this morning in my journal:

Wait. Trust. Submit.
All three are equally important.

Such great news, friends! He is about to do something surprising and unexpected. If He seems silent, be encouraged today that when we wait, while trusting and submitting, He will do the work He has promised.

He is so so so good!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Our Assignment

Our assignment is simple.

Not always easy, but simple, nonetheless.

"Bring God's world to this world until this world looks like His."

And that is going to take an army of believers who are insistent upon speaking only what He is speaking and doing only what He is doing.

When Jesus exited our world He left us with the Holy Spirit - which means we have, dwelling within us, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. The same power to transform lives and offer a better way of living.

I must begin saying what He is saying. Releasing hope, healing, breakthrough, love, and transformation!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Surrender To The Possibilities

We have a choice every single day.

Stay stuck in our own cycle of demands and entitlement, or surrender to all God has for us.

His way is always better.

I do not have to have all the answers... I can live open to what He has and just continue walking through the doors He opens.

Lord, keep me surrendered to the possibilities.

What could today being?
What could God do today?

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


I am a HUGE (and I DO mean HUGE) believer in the power of our words! I believe that there is more power in what comes from our mouths than we realize. I believe that we become ALIVE by the words spoken over us, and I also... equally... believe that we often times remain stuck in our mess by the words spoken over us.

And specifically the words spoken over us... BY us.

And that is why it's so important for us to know what God is saying and choose only to say what the Father is saying.


I heard it recently in a sermon... "Some people are on declaration away from their breakthrough."

I have experienced it recently myself. I've watched it. Someone experiencing God's presence, getting prayed for, and the moment they leave they DESTROY the activity of the Holy Spirit by the wrong damaging words they allow to escape from their lips.

And I believe the anointing ends there.


Think about it friend... you and I are being trained for something greater. When we choose to study scripture and meditate on the promises of God over our lives, we are being trained for battle. We are being disciplined into a new way of thinking. We are being conditioned so that our new response... our automatic response is to SAY what the Father is saying and DO what the Father is doing.

And so I must train my brain into dwelling only on the things of the Lord.

So today I begin again. A new season of my life.
Declaring the WORD of the Lord over my life.
Because the Word tells us that God SPOKE and there was light. He could have thought it and it would have equally been so. BUT He chose to SPEAK it. DECLARE it.

Day one for me is Psalm 60:12, "With God's help we will do mighty things."

I will choose to meditate on that.
Not until it becomes more knowledge that "puffs me up", but until it becomes so interwoven into the fabric of my being, that it becomes my FIRST, instinctual response to any opposition I face!

It all matters!!!! <3

What are you declaring today??

Thursday, May 23, 2019

I Refuse

I’m insisting to live this way!
God help me to cling to You every single day.

Remain As You Were

1 Corinthians 7:24, “Each of you, dear brothers and sisters, should remain as you were when God first called you.”  (NLT)

“We must remain in close communion with God, no matter what our situation was when we were first called to follow Jesus.”  (TPT)

“So please don’t, out of old habit, slip back into being or doing what everyone else tells you.  Friends, stay where you were called to be.  God is there.  Hold the high ground with Him at your side.”  (MSG)

And so it seems a little strange. 

Because aren’t we supposed to be different?  Weren’t we called to be set apart?  Why in the world, then, is it telling us that we need to REMAIN where we were when God first called us?

I love the places in scripture that make me uncomfortable and cause me to wrestle with God on the meaning.
Don’t pass by these important wrestling points.
The places that make you squirm a bit.
Don’t shy away from those hard places.
They are there for a reason.
They have been put there as an invitation to dig deeper.

The truth is that we were brought near to God by our conversation.
It was on the day we said YES to Jesus that everything changed.
We must not forget who we were and where we were the day He called us into relationship with Himself!

Paul says it three times in this chapter alone.  Three times he speaks the word REMAIN.
Verse 17 - “Each of you should continue to live in whatever situation the Lord has placed you, and REMAIN as you were when God first called you.”
Verse 20 - “Yes, each of you should REMAIN as you were when God called you.”
Verse 24 - “Each of you should REMAIN as you were when God first called you.”

We know that in the early church there were temptations to restlessness affecting the early Christians.

I think what Paul is trying to get them to see - the same he is trying to get us to see is this - STOP where you are!  Remain in it.  Don’t try to change the external circumstances.  God is looking to change the heart.

We aren’t to trouble ourselves with external conditions.  But we are to keep to our Christian professions.

He was saying here - are you a slave?  Don’t let your focus be on trying to get free.
Learn what it means to be a Christ follower in bondage.  This will be what sets you free!
Are you a poor?  Don’t allow your focal point be on trying to get rich.
Learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus in poverty.  This will increase your wealth!
Are you in a season of waiting? Don’t keep focused on getting a quick answer out.
Learn what it means to trust Him IN the waiting room.  This will bring revelation speedily!

If we can focus on being who we are in the place we are and appreciate who and where we are, we can rest knowing it’s all a matter of time… HIS perfected time!

We say, “get on”, but Paul says, “get up!”
Never mind about how far you’re getting - and just get up.
Do the thing He’s asking you to do today!

It’s like me - living in this halted season.  This season of uncertainty.
It’s a new season of trust for myself and for my family.
It’s learning to live each day for itself.
And it’s most difficult for a forward thinker... planner like me!

Matthew 6:34 in the MSG version says, “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”

It is so like us - God’s children - to “try to make the circumstances what we want them to be.”
Paul encourages us here to “Leave the circumstances as they are… and then watch as God takes care of them!
When we get close to Him, hold His hand… everything else will align itself out.

We are so busy with trying to fight our situations and change our circumstances, when God is most interested in finding us serving Him RIGHT IN THE MIDST of whatever we have and wherever we are!

Our chief effort in this life ought to be union with God!

God is calling us to quietly and contentedly ABIDE in the condition in which He has already placed His Divine attention!

It is always our best choice to unpack how to CONQUER circumstances within the limits of our disability than it is merely ESCAPE the troubles which have the potential to make significant and lasting heart change!

My commentary says, “God’s presence is not conditioned by our outward positions in which we may be placed.  He dwells with contrite hearts everywhere, and pays no need to the presence or absence of the brand marks of the slave.”  - WOW

Let's REMAIN where we were when He first called us.

It matters.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Danger of The Inconsistency of the Tongue

James 3 is an amazing chapter on speech and conflict. The overarching theme is the tongue, and the power that is found in the words we choose to speak.

James 3:12 talks of the inconsistency of our nature when it comes to speech and says this, "Does a fig tree produce olives, or a grapevine produce figs? No, and you can't draw fresh water from a salty spring."

No tree can bring forth fruit that is inconsistent with it's nature.

And yet we see it all the time.
And do I dare say that we do it all the time?

And it is the inconsistency of our mouths that bring about the most danger to our spiritual souls!

Because the truth really is that the mouth that is allowed cursing cannot truly emit also a blessing. The challenge for us really then becomes... can we honestly and faithfully bless the Lord when we have not yet fully learned to control the tongue from speaking negative, evil, bitter words?

It all matters!

To truly bless God means to utterly forbid the cursing of man. Real reverence for our Lord does away with all hateful speech, and places "honoring all" in highest priority next to "honoring God".

Can we truly love God without truly loving God's people? And refusing to allow destructive speech a place within our nature?

Could I be so bold to infer that it is our inconsistency of character that keeps us in bondage and spiritually stifles us? My commentary says it more bluntly than that, "Hell has more to do in promoting the fire of the tongue than men generally think."

And so could it be that we partner with darkness and devils when we allow inconsistency to reign supreme in our speech?

Because bitterness that escapes the mouth negates all manner of blessing we offer to the Father. It completely erases our praise.

True worshippers... the ones the Bible speaks of... those who worship in Spirit and truth... will not allow contradictions and inconsistencies. They will continually strive toward godliness in conduct AND speech.

It all matters!

Language that is meticulously crafted and consistently well-managed is the genuine produce of a heart set apart for Him. We must co-labor with Divine Grace to bless and not curse and then actively devote ourselves to the consistency of His nature made available for adoption by each and every one of us.

Our praise cannot be appropriately endorsed when our inconsistent vocal performance is absurdly exploited.

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Invasion of Impossibilities

The world is waiting for the answer you have if you are a follower of Jesus.

Don't wait.

He made a way possible for us. Jesus is our model for what we are to do and what we are to say.

Go out today and invade impossibilities in Jesus' name!
Cancer - be healed!
Forgiveness - be granted!
Marriage - be restored!
Disease - flee!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Loving Well

Acts 10:38 tells us that, "Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him."

Jesus "went around doing good."

Then so must I.

Because this living must be all about finding out what Jesus did - and doing that. Unpacking what Jesus said - and saying that.

I cannot afford to live any other way.

And so today I list out the things I see Him doing when it comes to loving other people.

1 Peter 3:8 tells us that we are to, "Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude..."

Loving well is loving like Jesus.
And scripture offers us a glimpse into how well He loved. He was not only our redeemer, but our pattern. The One we are to emulate and imitate.

Jesus did many things, and listed here are three very specific examples of His nature and character that we must learn to reproduce.

Jesus was moved with compassion.
Jesus didn't merely offer sympathy... but rather was "moved with compassion" for others. Some verses tell us that His heart "melted with compassion." (John 11:33). Mark 1:41 even tells us that Jesus was, "moved with compassion" for a man and angry toward his disease.
And movement with compassion for Jesus always resulted in healing, deliverance, resurrection, and supernatural provision.
Something changed about the current condition of a person or the current climate of a situation when Jesus came on the scene.

Jesus offered redemptive solutions.
If Jesus would have offered sympathy, it would not have been enough. While sympathy extends an ear, it often withholds a hand. It does little in the way of offering an out, a solution for the current concern.
Offering redemptive solutions is presenting a gift of hope to the hurting. It's living dissatisfied with anything less than all Jesus died for us to have - freedom, joy, peace, victory!

Jesus enter into other's experience.
The Greek word for compassion is sumpatheó. Sum meaning something equally shared. Pathos meaning feelings, affection, passion.
It is to share feelings or emotions.
Jesus offered more than a sympathetic ear or even verbal sympathy to a wounded and broken individual. He felt the pain, wore the pain, and even experienced the pain.
He entered into other's experience giving grace to the case at hand.
Real love doesn't sit idly by and watch another struggle.

And so we must live like Jesus.
We must be moved with compassion and offer redemptive solutions while entering into one another's experiences.

It all matters.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Resurrection Power

And I woke to it again this morning.  The sticky note that I had placed on my laptop the day after Easter.  The word resurrect and it’s definition, “to raise from the dead; bring to life again; to bring back into use/practice; to revive; renew.”

And I wonder how easily we forget the words of Jesus.  The ones spoken in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you…”

Holy Spirit power. 

And we read it again in Romans 8:11, “And since God’s spirit of Resurrection lives in you, He will also raise your dying body to life by the same Spirit that breathes life into you!”  (TPT)

And so I can see it this morning and realize at the core, that the same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same resurrection power that resides inside of me.

And all of a sudden everything changes.

Because I had spoken the words at group on Tuesday night.  We need to become people who speak contradictory to problems.  Ones who triumphantly speak opposite of circumstance. 

Because words matter.  And the Father is looking for a company of believers who willingly enter into agreement with what He has said and what He is saying.

And we are only intimidated by the size of a problem when we take our eyes off Jesus.  We only feel fear and intimidation when we remain more impressed by the storm than His sovereignty.  Because what I know to be true is that anxiety and worry and stress are not of God, and they are incompatible with peace - which Christ died for us to have.

Despair only rises in the absence of the awareness of God’s goodness.  And I cannot afford to think on things… feast on things… He’s not said or is not saying.

And so today I make a declaration… I will be one who speaks life into dry bones.  I will speak contradictory to complications.  Because He… the One who came to give life and offer hope… provided redemptive solutions to seemingly impossible circumstances.

And so I have a choice to make.  Stay stuck in a cycle of unnecessary heaviness and overwhelming burden, or claim victory in advance. 

I repeat the words I have reviewed again and again in Joel 3:10, “Let the weak say I am strong.”

Speaking contrary to crisis, means executing the resurrection power that lives inside of me.  It’s choosing wisely to bring to life again, revive, and renew.
“I am peaceful!”
“I am filled with joy!”
“The Lord is answering prayer!”
“I am strong!”
“This is working our well!”

I say it with bold new faith on a Wednesday morning.
Because speaking life to my troubles prophesies to the trouble-maker that he’s doomed and doubt, fear, worry, stress, and anxiety have no place in this vessel.

As For Me

I love Psalm 145. King David's psalm of praise.

And what could be better on a day when you feel like doing anything other than praising? What could be more necessary than praise in the midst of problems?

Because it's time we align our worldly ways with Kingdom mentality. It's time we insist on speaking contrary to our current condition.

The psalmist here says, "You awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue;" and then continues with the ownership of victory... "I will proclaim Your greatness."

I will.
As for me... I have allowed myself no other option than to praise. And thank. And find joy in these insurmountable problems.

I am victorious.

And as for me... I will praise and proclaim His greatness all the days of my life!


Monday, May 13, 2019

A Public Thank You

I remember dropping her off. She’d just turned 18. I was in the thick of a scary health battle. And our family was still attempting to overcome both emotionally and mentally a devastating and fairly shocking experience. We were unaware of the harder times yet to come and leaving our only child over 2,000 miles away from the only form of security she’d ever had, seemed utterly daunting. At times impossible.

While I was super excited to see what God was going to do in her life, I remained selfish. I wanted her home with us. Or perhaps closer at least.

I recall a conversation with a friend pretty early on. While confidentially sharing with her my fears that stemmed primarily from financial concerns, she’d gently whisper to me, “At what point do you put your tail between your legs and bring her home. Tell ‘em you attempted to make it work. Try again next year.” 
I’d lovingly remind her that God had NOT made a mistake and that getting accepted after just 14 hours when she was originally told it would be 4-6 weeks, was certainly all for purposes greater than our understanding.
I would not be bringing her home.

I can’t forget the days we weren’t sure how we were going to make it work.  Not only financially and emotionally, but physically too. Surgery had left me weak. And often with more medical concerns than were originally diagnosed.

I can remember the concerns others had for her attending Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry. They’d define it as a cult, and warn me of false teachings and heretical doctrine. Some would mock her decision to allow God to mold her and shape her, questioning her motives, often loudly worried about the “brain washing” she may receive from any involvement with the revivalist culture in Redding.

But I also want to tell you of the things you may not know.  The things too numerous to list out here... black ink on a page.

Chloe met the most wonderful friends of her life at this school!
Chloe encountered Jesus in a way many never get the honor to their entire life.
Chloe witnessed a full surrender to the Holy Spirit, and watched as He transformed her from the inside out.
Chloe overcame dark dark days. Days filled with fear and loneliness and rejection.
Chloe faced anxiety head-on and successfully conquered challenges stemming from homesickness that tried taking her down every single day.

While thousands of miles away, this girl would often face uncertainties and opposition like a warrior. There would be many dark days, but not ONE of them would be faced alone. 

Not one.

And it’s likely why my anthem song this year has been Here Again by Elevation. Tears streamed when I heard her singing it with friends at a BBQ recently in Redding to celebrate First Year Graduation: “Not for a minute was I forsaken, the Lord is in this place, the Lord is in this place.”

And NOT FOR A MINUTE were we forsaken in any of this. NOT FOR ONE SINGLE MINUTE.

And my heart SOARS on a Monday when I think of where we’ve been and where we’re going.

We never walk alone.

And to you.. yes you… reading this.  Thank you.  And for those who made it possible for this year to happen for my girl… thank you.  You know who you are!
To the family members who sacrificed financially to pay off her school tuition so she would remain there for the school year!  THANK YOU.
To the family members who prayed on their knees for this sweet family of mine in the midst of insurmountable valleys!  THANK YOU.
To the friend who took me out for coffee and surprised me with a check large enough to cover 2 months of house payments during an exhausting season of worry!  THANK YOU.
To the family members who gave more of themselves than they had to give!  THANK YOU.
To the church family that prayed and believed alongside of us!  THANK YOU.
To the friend who pressed Chloe to “be honest and tell me what you really need still to get through the school year.” and who would send her a sacrificial gift that left us not only speechless, but sobbing for days because God is bigger and better than we ever give Him credit for!  THANK YOU.
To the girlfriend who knew a need for a winter coat and left a brand new beautiful one on my doorstep on a cold, wintery January morning because she loves me and wanted to meet a need for one she loves.  THANK YOU.
To the friends who supported Chloe’s ENTIRE Worship U tuition cost!  THANK YOU.
To the High School friends who sacrificed so much to contribute financially to her missions.  THANK YOU.
To the ones who sent checks in the mail with sweet words attached on a note, “This is because we believe that what you're doing in California is making a difference and we believe in you!”  THANK YOU.
To the ones who purchased hand-designed sweatshirts to support her missions.  THANK YOU.
To the dear dear friends who pooled their sky miles points together as well as their finances to fly me out as a surprise trip to me for my birthday to see my girl in March!  THANK YOU.
To the absolutely adorable woman from church who chased us all over Country Market (a store I never go to but once a year maybe) to hand me a financial gift to “help with Christmas groceries” because, “God told me you could use it.”!  THANK YOU.
To the endless prayer supporters we received and the too-numerous-to-count messages we received of love and kindness!  THANK YOU.

I wish you could see into my heart and know how much your love and support means to me. To us. 
I wish you could have heard the words I whispered to Trevor time and time and time again, “God is so good!  You can’t make this stuff up!”

The outpouring of love doesn’t make sense… but we have continued to faithfully praise God every step of this journey.

He is a good good Father.
And He has provided in ways we do not deserve.

We are eternally grateful for this AMAZING school year!!!

And as we look ahead into our unknown future, with decisions that still need to be made, direction that still needs to be prayed through, and changes that are coming up fast and furious for our family, we humbly say - thank you.

Thank you Jesus for making a way!
Thank you family and friends for all you’re loving us through.

Believing… truly believing… the best is yet to come! 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

He Will Not Leave Us In Our Mess

I read it this morning. Hebrews 12, verse 6, "For the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He punishes each one He accepts as His child."

And sometimes that doesn't always feel good.

But discipline is always for our good.

He loves us so much, that He will not allow us to abide in the lower parts of our nature. He will not allow us to wallow in what we were meant to be victorious over!

He is always, always, always calling us higher.

It's truly an invitation to partake in His holiness when we are allowed to encounter difficulties and endure hardship via chastisement.

Troubles and trials are often the means by which the Lord molds us and fashions us for greater things and higher purposes.

I love Isaiah 43:2 that says, "WHEN you go through deep waters, I will be with you."

When. Because it is assured we will.
And trouble... it leads us into a special level of His presence.

Punishment can be viewed as provision.
Because He longs for so much more from you

You are not ordinary. You are extraordinary. You are His. And He will not let you suffer in the weightiness of sin without first offering a way out.

God will find us in our mess, but He's not in the business of leaving us there.

Pillar By Day and Night

I saw her this morning. It was early and I was on my way to get coffee before I start my busy day. And when I saw her I had to smile. There she was with her little one in the front seat next to her. On their way to school, no doubt. And maybe a stop for a quick breakfast. Maybe not. Her face looked very focused and her mind was likely running a million miles an hour. Like mine. And I wonder if she, too, was thinking my same thoughts. “How will I get it all done?” “Don’t forget this.” “Oh and I can’t forget to pick this up.” “Remember to make a note of that when you get home or you’ll forget.” I wonder if maybe the thoughts were bigger than that. “Will the doctor call back today?” “I really don’t want to sign the papers he had sent to me yesterday that are still sitting on the kitchen table.” “What other bill can I put off paying this month?”

Because the truth really is that we all have a story. Each and every one of us. And we all carry around a weight that’s heavy. A burden that’s too much to handle.

And I think about it again. The words I presented to my ministry team at dinner on Tuesday night. Old Testament is still so reverent today! “The Lord went ahead of them. He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud, and He provided light at night with a pillar of fire. This allowed them to travel by day or night.” (Ex 13:21)

The pillar was a signal and a guide. When it moved, the people moved. And when it stopped, they stopped.

And surely this was not what the Israelites expected. They had the promise of the land they would possess in their minds. And it should have been a straight shot there.

But God.

In all of His grace and wisdom He would take them a, “roundabout way through the wilderness.” My commentary says it was, “the outer edge of the wilderness.”

A detour.

Because this wasn't what you expected.
This wasn't what you imagined the journey would look like.

But God.

He is always always always good… and He is always working on our behalf.

It’s Divine Guidance.

Even when we can’t see past the problem of today.

He has a better vantage point. His view is much more visible than our limited eyesight.

Yes, indeed, He loves us enough to provide for us what we don’t even know we need.

A pillar of cloud by day - so we don’t faint in the heat of the hot sun.
A pillar of fire by night - so we don’t freeze in the bitter temperatures of darkness.

And looking at the woman I smiled. And I prayed for her.

Because she has a story too. And my prayer is that she would KNOW how much He loves her and how amazing His provision is for her.

Don’t miss an opportunity to tell someone else today the truth of His Word.

Everyone needs to know.

Let’s not rush through life so fixated on our own matters and our own circumstances that we miss the chance to love on the other one He died for. The other one who may be walking alone. The other one who’s story matters too.

You are more valuable in the Kingdom than you will ever know!

Bless it. Break it. Give it.

One of my favorite things to do as is to pour over the Gospels. And from there one of the highlights of my experience is to look for the nature and character of Jesus.

Because I want to know Him... much more than I want to know ABOUT Him.

I ran into this years ago and I have had this note to remind myself since. And I'd love to share it with you today, as I shared it with my Power Plus Group of High School girls at school yesterday.

Jesus was on the road to Emmaus. He had been crucified and had risen and was now longing to reveal himself to those who needed to be reminded that He IS the Messiah.

Luke 24 tells us that as 2 individuals walked to the village of Emmaus, a 7 mile journey from Jerusalem, Jesus suddenly appeared and began walking with them. But God kept them from recognizing Him.

As they walked Jesus asked them what they were discussing so intently. Scripture tells us that they stopped, and "with sadness written across their faces" (vs 17), one of the replied, "You must be the only one who hasn't heard!"

They went on to tell them that there was a man from Nazareth who was a Prophet, a miracle-worker, and a mighty Teacher. They disappointedly reported, "We had hoped He was the Messiah who had come to rescue Israel." (vs 21)

Jesus challenges their belief system by replying, "Wasn't it clearly predicted that the Messiah would have to suffer these things before entering His glory?" (vs 26) Then Jesus took them through the scriptures explaining these things concerning Himself.

And yet all the while they didn't know it was Jesus.


Verses 28-31 tell us that when they reached the end of their journey, Jesus "acted as if" He was going to on, but they begged Him to stay. After all... He knew so much. His stories were likely captivating. There must have just been something about His Presence.

And then.

They shared a meal together.

Verse 30 tells us, "As they sat down to eat, He took the bread, and blessed it. Then He broke it and gave it to them." Verse 31 says then, "SUDDENLY their eyes were opened and they recognized Him."

Oh my heart be still.

Yours too?

There's those action words again.
He took the bread...
He BROKE it.
He GAVE it.

And the Bible tells us that SUDDENLY... SUDDENLY their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.

This one... this One... He was different.
He was recognized by His service.
His love.
His gentleness.
His abundance.
His mercy.

And so we must too.
Bless it.
Break it.
Give it.

It got me thinking... what is it that we will be recognized by?

Because if we are imitators of Him... we must do the same thing He did. Same thing He's doing.
He blessed what they had.
He broke it in order to multiply it.
He gave it to others who needed to be fed.

Let's think on that one today.
What will we be recognized for?

It matters! <3